Thursday, March 10, 2011

Right Side Sore Throat

God - we can only know him by merging with him / Dieu - nous ne pouvons Le connaître qu’en nous fusionnant avec Lui

  • many philosophers, theologians and mystics have tried to give an answer to this question: What is God? No one is really successful, because God will not be explained in words. We will be able to know what God is, only the day when we will become able to merge in him at that point, yes, I know, but we will know only for ourselves: we do not understand the other. L 'The entity that we call "God" is both masculine and feminine, as I have already explained. When we speak of the Cosmic Spirit and the universal soul, is that we speak of God as a single entity, but polarized. We can still get close to these entities inexpressible, inconceivable through meditation and prayer, our spirit comes into contact with the universal soul and our soul with the cosmic spirit. It is so that one day will be the perfect fusion.
  • So many philosophers, theologians and mystics Have tried to answer the question: what is God? None has truly succeeded, "Because God can not be Explained with words. We will like to know what God is oz We Are Able to merge with HIM. Then, Indeed, We Will Know Him, But We Will Know Him only for Ourselves, we will not be able to make others understand him. The being we call God is both male and female, as I have already explained to you. When we speak of cosmic and universal Spirit Soul, it is God we are speaking of, as a single but being polarized. We can not express or conceive of this being, yet we can draw closer to him - through meditation and prayer our spirit comes into contact with the universal soul and our soul with the cosmic spirit. And so one day, the perfect fusion takes place.
  • How many philosophers, theologians and mystics have tried to find an answer to this question: What is God? No one has managed it, because God can not be explained with words. We can only know what God is, if we one day manage to merge with Him. The moment we know it, but we know then just for us, we will be able to make it to the others not to understand. This being we call God, is also male and female, I have already explained to you. When we speak of cosmic mind and universal soul, we speak of God as a single, but being polarized. This unspeakable, unimaginable essence, we can nevertheless approach: Through meditation, through prayer our mind interacts with the universal soul and our soul with the cosmic spirit in contact. In this way comes es eines Tages zur vollkommenen Verschmelzung.
  • How many philosophers, theologians, mystics have tried to answer this question: What is God? None is really successful, because God can not be explained with words. God, we come to know that He is the day we become capable of we merge with Him. At that time, yes, we know, but we do know that for us, we can not make others understand. This entity we call God is both male and female, I give you have already explained. When we speak of the Spirit and Soul cosmic universal is that we speak of God as a single entity but polarized. This entity inexpressible, inconceivable, we can still get close to her: through meditation, prayer, our minds come in contact with the universal mind, and soul with the cosmic Spirit. Thus one day is the perfect fusion.
  • Muitos filósofos, teólogos e responder a esta místicos procuraram questão: o que é Deus? Nenhuma verdadeiramente conseguiu o, porque Deus não explanation is with words. We'll get to know what is God in the day that we become capable of merging with Him this time, yes, we will know it, but just to know us, we can not make others understand it.
    This entity we call God is both male and female, I already explained you that. When we speak of Spirit and Cosmic Universal Soul, is that we speak of God as a single entity but polarized. We can still move us closer to that entity inexpressible and inconceivable: for meditation, prayer, our spirit comes into contact with the Universal Soul and soul with the Cosmic Spirit. Is awake so que, um dia, while at União Perf.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Maxi Mounds Is Stupid

Matter - never disappears since it is the complementary pole to spirit / Matière - ne disparaît jamais car elle est le pôle complémentaire de l’esprit

  • The physical matter that we know is only one aspect of the matter. The real matter is not one, not even the chemists and physicists know it. When they decide to break it up, are happy to see that it releases energy. In fact, if they had more sophisticated equipment, they would discover that this matter has given way to another substance, softer, more subtle, which belongs to another region. But the last field, humans are never going to break it up, only God can. When He will disrupt the field, it returns within Him and nothing exist: it will be total silence, the cosmic night. Until then, the disappearance of the material resembles the disappearance of the clouds. Have you seen it all: a blue sky, pure smoothly, a few white clouds begin to form. Where did they come? ... And moments later, come together in space: not seen, but they are always there. In reality, the density of matter is changing, matter but does not disappear, because it is the complementary pole of spirit. Even fission of the atom gets rid of the matter.
  • The physical matter we know is just one aspect of matter. It is not true matter – even chemists and physicists do not know what that is. When they start breaking matter down, they merely note that energy is released. If their tools were more sophisticated, they would in fact discover that this matter has given way to another finer, subtler matter, belonging to another realm. But humans will never succeed in breaking down ultimate matter: only God can do that. When he breaks matter down, it will return to his bosom; nothing will exist anymore, and there will be absolute silence, a cosmic night. Until then, matter disappears the way clouds disappear. You will have seen it happen: a few white clouds begin to form uniformly out of a clear blue sky. Where have they come from? And a few moments later, they have faded into space and are no longer visible, although they are there. It is really the density of matter that changes; matter itself does not disappear, for it is the complementary pole to spirit. Even splitting the atom does not make matter disappear.
  • The physical matter that we know is only one aspect of the matter. The real matter is not there and even the chemists and physicists do not know. If they bring it to disintegrate, they contented themselves with the statement that it releases energy. Had its apparatus developed, they would discover that this matter is in fact the Associated site has been cleared for a finer, more subtle, another region of matter. But the ultimate matter to get people not to disintegrate, only God can. If he can break down the matter, they will return to his lap, there is nothing more, it will rule absolute silence and cosmic night. Until then, similar to the disappearance of matter, the disappearance of the clouds. You have seen this: On a uniformly blue sky some white clouds begin to form. Where did they come? And a few moments later, they dissolve in space, we see nothing more, but they are there. In reality, the density of matter has changed; Materie selbst nicht die verschwindet, denn sie ist der Pol Ergänzende des Geistes. Bringt die selbst die Atomspaltung Materie nicht zum Verschwinden.
  • The physical matter that we know is only one aspect of the matter. The real substance is not there, and even chemists and physicists do not know. In undertaking the break, they just see it releases energy. In fact, if they had more sophisticated equipment, they would discover that this matter has given way to another material, thinner, more subtle that belongs to another region. But the ultimate matter, humans will never reach the break: only God can do. When it disintegrate matter, it will return within her, nothing will exist, it will be the silence, the cosmic night. Until then, the disappearance of matter similar to the disappearance of the clouds. You saw it: in a pure blue sky evenly, a few white clouds begin to form. Where did they come? ... A few moments later, they are based in space, we do not see anything, but they are there. In reality, la densit de la matière Thurs change; la matière, elle, ne disparaît pas, car elle est le Pôle complémentaire de l'esprit. Même la fission de l'Atome ne fait pas la matière disparaître.
  • The physical matter that we know is only one aspect of the matter. The real matter is this, and even physicists and chemists know it. When they try to break down physical matter, merely to acknowledge that it releases energy. In fact, if they had more sophisticated equipment would find that this matter has given way to one another, fainter, more subtle, which belongs other region. The last matter, humans will never be able to tear it apart: only God can do it. When he disaggregate the matter, it will return to his bosom, since nothing exists, is absolute silence, a cosmic night. Until then, the disappearance of matter resembles the disappearance of the clouds. Have you seen this: a pure blue sky evenly, start forming a few white clouds. Where they've come ...? And moments later, they dissolve into space, has not seen, but they are there. In reality, the density of matter is changing, matter does not disappear because it is or pole complementar do Espírito. I stared to do mesmo não faz desaparecer atom to matter.

How To Get Rid Of Pityriasis Rosea On Face?

New orders and old contradictions

Public my last article, new orders and old contradictions , published in the journal "Italian community" of Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, the month of March 2011.

new orders and old contradictions
(Foreign policy is important for all countries but some stand out as clearly unreliable)

Foreign policy is a serious matter. The greatness of a nation is also seen by his foreign policy made good sense, of course, but mainly on the protection of his interests. Yes, common sense and protect their interests, would be a contradiction in terms to say, given that the raison d'état more often does not coincide with what the public would feel right or wrong. Not that the public should always have a monopoly on reason, but it is certain that when you consider how many countries (and there are many ...) continue to do business with many different systems around the world, well, then, is some suspicion that not everything runs smoothly.
That 's what's going on for several weeks in this part with North Africa and the Middle East where, in a sort of domino effect, many of the old regimes are collapsing under the weight of commitment to innovation. The last time-Gaddafi is the poor who, after being in the middle of huge business with our prime minister signed the Treaty of Friendship (but let us not forget that even the previous governments have been spared with this clown) has even had the privilege of giving a speech in a hall of the Senate which, fortunately, there never was.
Sure, Italy has very big interests in Libya to begin ENI one of the largest world giants in the energy sector, but the ambiguity of our country that allowed us not to lose two wars changed sides at the last minute confirmation, for example, that we are the best U.S. allies in words. Wikileaks has laid bare the limits of our own international politics, where big business, the personal interests of Silvio with Putin and Gaddafi, worries the Obama administration.
yet, "Gaddafi must go." With these words, our foreign minister, Franco Frattini, has reneged statements just a few days earlier in which he argued that the EU should not have Libyan action on the issue by letting the Libyan dictator. I understand the defense of our interests, but the poor do not figure has been averted. Congratulations to those who profess not to care but then promptly convinced American.
E 'clear, no one has to take orders from Washington, nor loyalty means loyalty to his friend U.S. (there were statesmen today to De Gaulle in Europe), but in these times of confusion of roles has made the 'Italy, as never before, the most classic of dupes.

admit (I start to worry because I would never have thought) che le prime mosse di Dilma Rousseff mi hanno stupito positivamente. Molto meno presenzialista rispetto a Lula, uomo della provvidenza in Brasile, in politica estera sembra aver preso le distanze dal suo predecessore. La nuova amministrazione pare intenzionata ad abbandonare al loro destino i regimi dittatoriali e ciò potrebbe, forse, favorire anche la caduta di Chavez in Venezuela. Ricordo ai duri d’orecchi, infatti, che proprio Lula solo qualche settimana prima di terminare il suo mandato ricevette in pompa magna il presidente venezuelano. Sprecandosi in inutili elogi verso l’amico Hugo, Lula si è ritagliato il ruolo di garante di Chavez sapendo comnque che di lì a poco se ne sarebbe andato. Attendo, insomma, che Dilma dia una bella virata scaricando anche Ahmadinejad ma forse ci vorrà ancora del tempo.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Vip222k Usb Port Connection

Family, natural - and spiritual family / Famille naturelle - et famille spirituelle

  • The natural family is one thing, another spiritual family. You may belong to blood relationship to a family whose members are not of your own spiritual family. Despite the ties of blood, those people are not really part of your relationship, you are not responsible for their actions and they are not even yours. is said in the Old Testament che quando un uomo ha peccato, non solo viene punito lui, ma anche i suoi figli e i suoi nipoti, sino alla quarta generazione. Ma cosa hanno fatto quei figli per soffrire così? È il loro padre o il loro bisnonno ad aver peccato, non loro. Quella punizione non è forse ingiusta?... No, perché coloro che pagano per gli errori dei propri genitori, ereditando gli stessi vizi e le stesse malattie, sono veramente della stessa famiglia. Se appartenessero a un’altra famiglia spirituale, non soffrirebbero. Si sono visti criminali dare alla luce dei santi: ciò significa dunque che i figli non vengono sempre toccati dai crimini dei loro genitori; quando lo sono, è perché in passato hanno seguito le stesse vie e sono stati così attirati a reincarnarsi fra persone simili a loro e a soffrire degli stessi mali.
  • The natural family is one thing, the spiritual family another. You can be related by blood to a family whose members are not of the same spiritual family as you. Despite these blood ties, they are not really your relations; you are not responsible for their actions, nor are they responsible for yours.
    It says in the Old Testament that those who have sinned are not the only ones to be punished; their children and their grandchildren to the fourth generation are also punished. But what have those children done to suffer so? Their father or their great-grandfather sinned, not them. Isn’t this punishment unfair? No, because those who pay for their parents' faults by inheriting the same vices or the common illnesses are indeed of the same family. If they belonged to another spiritual family, they would not suffer. Criminals have been known to give birth to saints, so children are not always affected by their parents' crimes. When they are, it is because they have gone the same way in the past and have, therefore, been drawn to reincarnate among their like and suffer the same ills.
  • The natural family is a spiritual thing and another. You may belong to a family by blood, whose members are not from the same spiritual family as you are, despite the blood ties, they do not belong wirklich zu eurer Verwandtschaft, ihr seid nicht für ihre und sie sind auch nicht für eure Taten verantwortlich.
    Es heißt im Alten Testament, dass, wenn ein Mensch gesündigt hat, nicht nur er, sondern auch seine Kinder und Enkel, bis zur vierten Generation bestraft werden. Aber was haben seine Kinder getan, um so zu leiden? Ihr Vater oder Großvater hat doch gesündigt und nicht sie. Ist diese Bestrafung nicht ungerecht? Nein, denn diejenigen, die für die Fehler ihrer Eltern bezahlen, indem sie die gleichen Laster und Krankheiten erben, gehören wirklich zur gleichen Familie. Wenn sie zu einer anderen spirituellen Familie gehörten, würden sie nicht leiden. Man hat Kriminelle gesehen, die Heilige zur Welt brachten. Das heißt, dass die Kinder nicht immer von den Verbrechen ihrer Eltern berührt werden; berührt es sie aber, so heißt dies, dass sie in der Vergangenheit den gleichen Wegen gefolgt sind und so zu denen hingezogen wurden, die ihnen ähnlich sind und durch die sie an den gleichen Übeln leiden.
  • La famille naturelle est une chose, et la famille spirituelle en est une autre. Vous pouvez appartenir par le sang à une famille dont les membres ne sont pas de la même famille spirituelle que vous. Malgré ces liens du sang, ils ne font pas réellement partie de votre parenté, vous n’êtes pas responsable de leurs actes et ils ne le sont pas non plus des vôtres.
    It says in the Old Testament that when a man has sinned, he not only is punished, but also his children and grandchildren to the fourth generation. But what did these children to suffer so? That their father or great-grandfather who sinned, not them. This punishment is not it unfair? ... No, because those who pay for the sins of their parents by inheriting the same defects, the same diseases are really the same family they are. If they belonged to another family, spiritual, they would not suffer. We have seen criminals to give birth des saints, c'est donc les enfants ne sont who toujours pas touché par les crimes leurs parents; lorsqu'ils le sont, c'est qu'ils ont suivi dans le passé et les memes voies ont été ainsi pour attires if leur parmi ceux reincarnated Thurs ressemblent souffrir et des memes Maux.
  • The natural family is a family thing and the other is spiritual. Thou canst the blood belongs to a family whose members are not the same spiritual family as you. Despite those ties of blood, they are not really part of your relatives, you are not responsible for their actions and they Nor are they by your.
    is written in the Old Testament that when a man sinned, not only is he is punished, but also their children and their descendants to the fourth generation. But what did these children and grandchildren to suffer so? His father or his grandfather's who sinned, they were not. This punishment is not unjust? ... No, because those who pay for the mistakes of their parents inheriting the same vices, the same disease, are truly the same family as them. If they belonged to another spiritual family would not suffer. We have seen children of criminals are saints, which shows that children are not always influenced the crimes of parents, when they are, is because in the past followed the same pathways and thus were attracted to reincarnate among those that are similar and suffer the same ailments.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Tissue Type Achors

Wisdom - a constant balancing act; example of the tightrope walker / Sagesse - un équilibre à rétablir sans cesse. Exemple du funambule

  • Certi numeri del circo sleep istruttivi molto, perché delle analogie presentano con le che l'uomo Vittorie nella propria vita should riportare interior : tame tiger, and pantere leoni, far danzare orsi ed elephant attraversare cerchio di un fuoco, fare giochi di destrezza, lanciarsi nel vuoto afferrare and her prey, camminare on a wire, etc.. Take the example of his tightrope, to maintain balance, the tightrope walker moves forward with open arms or using a long rod held flat. Must continually correct the position: right, left, a bit 'higher up, a bit' lower ... This situation is also that of the human being, because life is a tightrope and if he does not want to fall must always think of something to add here, to take anything away from there, to stay in balance. The center of balance is symbolized by the wisdom in your ear is connected to the ears. The essay is precisely the one who knows how to keep balance, who knows how to rectify the situation every time. You see, the term "redress the situation" really mean things in life that have always tended to lean too far one way or another and that every time there is a balance to be restored.
  • Some circus acts Have a lot to teach us the ways of Because They resemble humans must win the battles in Their inner life: taming tigers, lions and panthers, bears and making elephants dance, jumping through flaming hoops, juggling , leaping into space and catching hold again, walking on a wire, and so on. Let's just take the example of tightrope walkers: to stay balanced, They move with their arms outstretched or use a long horizontal pole. They have constantly to correct their position – to the right, to the left, a bit higher, a bit lower… Human beings are in the same situation, for life is a tightrope, and if they do not want to fall they have to keep thinking of adding a little here, taking away a little there, to stay in balance.
    Our centre of balance is in the ears, and symbolically wisdom is connected with the ears. People are wise when they know how to stay in balance, how to rectify any situation. And clearly, the expression ‘rectify the situation’ shows that in life things always tend to lean too far in one direction or another and that each time we have to redress the balance.
  • Certain circus acts are very instructive, because they are analogies to the victories, the man has to carry in his inner life: tiger, lion and panther tame, bring bears and elephant to dance, jump through a fire ring, juggling, be meaningless throw and catch it again, dancing on a rope so we just take the example of the tightrope walker: To maintain balance, he is advancing with outstretched arms, or with a long, horizontal rod in his hand. He constantly has to correct his position: left or right, a little higher or lower. This is also the human condition, because life is a tight rope and if he does not will fall, he must always remember to do a little here and there wegzutun a little to keep his balance. The center of balance is in the ears and symbolically is the wisdom attached to the ears. The sage's just someone who can maintain balance, raise the white every time the situation again. And you can see, the term "restore again the situation" means clear that the things in life always have a tendency to lean a little too strongly in one direction or another and that each time is to restore the balance.
  • Certains numéros de cirque sont très instructifs, parce qu'il présentent des analogies avec les victoires que l’homme doit remporter dans sa vie intérieure : dompter les tigres, les lions et les panthères, faire danser les ours et les éléphants, traverser un cercle de flammes, jongler, se lancer dans le vide et se rattraper, marcher sur un fil, etc. Et justement, prenons l’exemple du funambule : pour garder l’équilibre, il avance en écartant les bras ou en se servant d’un long bâton horizontal. Continuellement, il doit rectifier la position : à droite, à gauche, un peu plus haut, un peu plus bas… Cette situation est aussi celle de l’être humain, car la vie is a tightrope and, if it does not fall, he must always think about adding a little here, take a little there, to stay in balance. The center of balance lies in the ears, and wisdom is symbolically linked to the ears. The sage is one who knows just keep the balance, who knows every time things right. And you see the term "redress the situation" although in existence, things still tend to focus too much in one direction or another and whenever there is a balance to recover.
  • Certosa circus acts are very instructive because they show similarities with the victories that the man should get on your inner life is to tame tigers, lions and panthers, bears to dance and elephants across a circle of fire, juggling, throw himself into the void and recover the position, walking on a wire, etc.. Let us take the example of precisely balancing act: to keep his balance, he moves away with his arms or holding a long rod horizontally. And it has to continuously rectify the position: right, left, a little higher, a little lower ... This is also the situation of human beings, for life is a tightrope, and if he will not fall, will always think of adding a little here, take a little there, to keep in balance the center of balance is in the ears and, symbolically, the wisdom is linked to ears. The sage is one who knows precisely maintain balance, you always know the correct situation. And mark you, the words "correct the situation" and means that in existence, things always tend to lean too much one way or the other and is always necessary to restore a balance.

Kate's Playground Shows Nipples

Meteorology - corresponding elements in us / Météorologie - ses correspondances en nous

  • How many times you happen to feel the feelings that have nothing to do with objective reality of the moment! At any time of day and in the midst of the worst difficulties, you can live inside the appearance of dawn, because your consciousness moves in a region where the sun is actually rising, and you receive the rays. But of course the reverse also occurs. more you watch them, better understand the various phenomena and events of your mental life, which have their correspondence with those that occur in nature: aurora and twilight, blue skies and thunderstorms, heat and cold, clear skies and fog ... It is very important to learn this kind of weather! Even if you are not conscious, live inwardly in a world of substances and materials imponderable, impalpable, but truly real. The day will feel the reality of this unseen world, you will discover a new dimension.
  • Your feelings frequently bear no relation to Objective reality as it is in the moment! At Any Time of Day and amid the worst Difficulties, May you experience an inner dawn, Because your consciousness has moved to a region Where the sun is actually rising, and you are receiving its rays. Of course, the opposite can also occur. The more you know how to observe yourself, the better you will understand the different phenomena and events of your psychic life that replicate what occurs in nature: the dawns and dusks, blue skies and storms, heat and cold, brightness and mists… It is so important to learn that kind of meteorology too! Even if you are not aware of it, your inner life is a world made up of substances and materials that cannot be weighed or touched, yet are very real. The day you come to feel the reality of that invisible world, you will discover a new dimension of yourself.
  • Wie oft geschieht It felt that their feelings that have no relation to the objective reality, of the moment! At any given time of day and in the midst of the worst problems you can see inside a dawn, because your consciousness passes through a region where the sun is actually in the process to be working, and it receives its rays. But of course the exact opposite happens. The better you know to watch you, the better you understand the different phenomena and events of your mental life, which correspond to the events in nature. There are morning and evening twilight, blue skies and thunderstorms, heat and cold, clear and mist ... It is very important to learn these meteorology! Even if you are not aware of you, inside you live in a world that is made of imponderable, intangible but very real materials. On the day when you feel the reality of this unseen world, you will find yourself in a new dimension, yourself.
  • Combien de fois il vous arrive d'qui n'ont aucun éprouver of sensations rapport avec la réalité objective du moment! À n'importe heure de la journée source, et au milieu of pires difficult, vous pouvez vivre l'apparition de l'aube intérieurement, because your consciousness passes into a region where, indeed, the sun is risen, and you receive its rays. But the reverse also occurs, of course. The more you know
    you observe, you better understand the various phenomena and events in your life psychic who have their correspondence with those occurring in nature: sunrises and sunsets, blue skies and thunderstorms, heat and cold, and fog lights ... It is so important to learn as the weather there! Even if you're not aware, you live in a world inside Substances of fait et de matériaux imponderable, impalpable, mais bien reels. Le jour où la réalité sentirez vous ce monde invisible, vous vous dans une dimension nouvelle découvrirez.
  • happens to you often live sensations that have no relation to the objective reality of the moment. At any time of day, and in the midst of the worst difficulties, you can live inside the rising of the dawn, because your consciousness passes through a region where, indeed, the sun is rising and you draw your rays. But the opposite also happens, of course. The more you know how
    watching you, the better you will understand the various phenomena and events in your psychic life that correspond with those that occur in nature: sunrises and sunsets, blue skies and storms, heat and cold, the flashing lights and fog. .. It is also important to learn as this weather! Even without ye know it, you live inside a world made of substances and materials imponderable, intangible, but very real. On the day that you feel the reality of this invisible world, ye shall find a new dimension.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bite That Look Like Ringworm

Causes - always bring about consequences; how to approach sleep / Cause - produit toujours des conséquences. How sleep

  • No event (event, action, emotion, desire, thought) can exist in isolation, without a link to another phenomenon. Each event has a cause and effect more or less important and more or less distant. This is what you can see every day in your daily life. Suppose you had a good day. But then when you are about to lie down, there is something that arouses sadness and despair: the next day, on waking, found that all they had lived good during the day before it was canceled to make way in this you have lived at the time of sleep, and that impression has been that painful. You say, "But how can this unpleasant moment he was able to clear all of a day spent in harmony and peace?" Well, just for the fact that nothing remains without consequences, and a discomfort felt at the end of the day will be felt until the following day if you do nothing to neutralize. So, beware: what state are well supervised when they are about to fall asleep.
  • No manifestation (Whether of an event, an action, a feeling, a wish or a thought) can exist in isolation, with no connection to any other phenomena. Every manifestation has a cause and produces effects of greater or lesser importance and distance in time. You can observe this habitually in your everyday life. Suppose you have had a good day, but now, just as you are going to bed, something happens that makes you feel sad or discouraged. On waking the next day, you notice that everything good you experienced the day before has been erased, to be replaced by what you experienced as you went to sleep, and you are left with the painful impression. You will say, ‘But how is it possible for that unpleasant moment to erase a whole day spent in harmony and peace?’ Well, it is precisely because nothing remains without consequence, and anything uncomfortable experienced at the end of one day will make itself felt into the next if you do nothing to neutralize it. So, beware, watch your state of mind when you are about to fall asleep.
  • Any manifestation (event, action, emotion, desire, thought) can not be separated and exist without connection to another phenomenon. Each manifestation has a cause and produces more or less important and more or less distant consequences. This you can observe every day in your daily life. Suppose you had a good day. But then something just where you want to go to bed, an incident that makes you sad and discouraged. The next day, then you will find on waking, that all the good that you had experienced during the previous day is erased. It has what you erlebtet before going to sleep, made room, and this painful impression is left to you You say. "But how is it that this unpleasant moment was able to wipe out a whole day full of peace and harmony ? Well, that's just it, nothing is without consequences. An experienced discomfort in the evening will make still noticeable the next day if you do nothing to neutralize it. So beware observed thoroughly the state in which you find yourself when you lay you to sleep.
  • Toute manifestation (événement, action, sentiment, desire, thought) can not exist in isolation, unrelated to another phenomenon. Each event has a cause and effect produces more or less important and more or less distant. That's what you can watch each day in your daily life. Suppose you had a good day. But here is that when you go to bed, there is an incident that inspires sadness and discouragement the next day, upon awakening, you realize that everything you had good experiences during the previous day 's is cleared to make way for what you experienced when you sleep, and this is remained painful impression. You say, "But how is it that this moment of discomfort was able to erase an entire day spent in harmony and peace ? Well, precisely, is that nothing is without consequence, and an uneasiness in the afternoon will be felt overnight if you do nothing to neutralize it. So watch out, watch out what shape you are when you go to sleep.
  • Qualquer manifestação (acontecimento, acto, sentimento, desejo, pensamento) não pode existir isoladamente, sem ligação com outro fenómeno. Cada manifestação tem uma causa e produz consequências mais ou menos importantes e mais ou menos longínquas. Podeis observar isso todos os dias na vossa existência quotidiana. Suponhamos que tivestes um bom dia, mas, no momento de ir para a cama, acontece um incidente que vos inspira tristeza e desânimo: no dia seguinte, ao despertar, constatais que tudo o que vivestes de bom durante o dia anterior se apagou para dar lugar àquilo que vivestes no momento de adormecer, e foi essa impressão penosa que ficou. Vós direis: «Como é que esse momento desagradável foi capaz de apagar a full day spent in harmony and peace? "Well, it is precisely because whatever happens has consequences, and a malaise experienced by the end of the day will make itself felt until the next day if you do nothing to neutralize it. So pay attention! Take care and the state in which you meet in falling asleep.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Master - Knowledge and methods expect only from him / Master - only waiting for him the knowledge and methods

  • Perché il vostro che vi aspettate Maestro saw the Tiri fuori tutte le difficoltà? Siete voi che dovete Compiere degli Sforza, ed imparare esercitarvi, perché questi che vi Sforzi sleep per serviranno l’eternità. Forse vi aspettate che qualcuno venga sempre in vostro aiuto, che vi liberi dalle sofferenze, dalle malattie e dalle miserie. È possibile, esistono degli esseri sulla terra che ne sono capaci, ma un saggio non lo farà mai, perché sa che così non vi aiuterà, anzi.  Un Maestro spirituale vi darà tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno quanto a conoscenze e metodi, ma aspetterà che siate voi ad applicarli perché possiate crescere e rafforzarvi. Ed è questa la vera evoluzione.
  • Why do you expect your Master to get you out of all your difficulties? It is up to you to make an effort, to learn and to exert yourself, because whatever efforts you have made will serve you for all eternity. If you are always expecting someone to come and rescue you, to free you from your suffering, illnesses and unhappiness, it may happen, as there are beings on earth who are able to do so. But it is something sages will never do, because they know they won’t be helping you – on the contrary.
    A spiritual Master will give you everything you need in the way of knowledge and methods, but he will expect you to apply them, so that you grow and become stronger. That is true evolution.
  • Warum erwartet ihr von eurem Meister, dass er euch aus allen Schwierigkeiten herausholt? Ihr selbst müsst euch anstrengen, lernen, euch üben, denn es sind your efforts that will serve you for all eternity. If you are waiting for you that someone comes to help you, free of suffering, disease and misery, this is possible, as there are on earth beings who are capable of it. But a wise man would never do, because he knows he will not help you - quite the contrary, a spiritual master will give you everything you need in knowledge and methods, but he expects her to even apply. to grow and strengthen you. This is the real development.
  • Pourquoi attendez-vous de votre maître qu'il vous de toutes les tire difficult? It is you who must make efforts, learn, work out, because it is these efforts that will serve you for eternity. If you always wait until someone comes to your rescue, it can give suffering, disease, misery, it's possible there are beings on earth who are capable of. But a wise man will never do that because he knows he will not help you, quite the contrary. A spiritual teacher will give you everything you need such knowledge, such methods, but will wait until either which you apply them to grow, to strengthen you. And this is the true evolution.
  • Why do you hope that your teacher you remove all the difficulties? Your task is to make it work, learn, work you, because these efforts is to serve you forever. If you wait for someone to continually help you, deliver you from suffering, diseases, miseries, it is possible there are beings on earth that have capabilities to do so. But a wise man never do it, because he knows that in this way will not help you, quite the contrary.
    A spiritual Master will give you everything you need in the field of knowledge and methods, but expect that to be you apply them, crescerdes para, para vos reforçardes. It is a verdadeira evoluçao isso.

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Obama e l'Occidente stanno con il popolo

Marco Cedolin
Durante queste ultime settimane l'ipocrisia e la fantasia visionaria della politica occidentale, coaduviata dal circo mediatico e dall'opinione pubblica "ben informata" dalla TV, hanno raggiunto vette inarrivabili che ricordano da vicino quelle toccate durante gli anni dell'invasione dell'Afghanistan e dell'Iraq .
Senza dubbio sono forti le analogie fra le fantomatiche armi di distruzione di massa di Saddam, mai trovate per il semplice fatto che non esistevano e le altrettanto fantomatiche stragi compiute da Gheddafi che avrebbe bombardato i manifestanti pacifici, facendone strage, per poi seppellirli dentro alle fosse comuni.
In both cases, these delusions dream without substance, proposed and made to accept as reality only thanks to the fine work of lobotomized mass, now completed by media propaganda.
In both cases, these hoaxes are so thick that it can not last long (although those relating to weapons of mass destruction Saddam was kept alive for a couple of years or so) before decaying in the group of nonsense visionary who used to be contradicted by the same creators of fiction.
In both cases the fact that it was pure lies, built (very clumsily) to get a very specific purpose, will be completely irrelevant, since they got the goal and they're getting, and exactly on time as expected.
Saddam became a bloody dictator who threatened to worsen the suicurezza of "civilized" world and the same "civilized" world was brought to the gallows . Gaddafi has become a tyrant who is guilty of the genocide of his own people and in all likelihood will be deported to the Hague court to end the merciful hand of the West committed suicide like that in Milosevic .....

And the similarities do not stop there, since you can speak again of UN sanctions (the stessa mano misericordiosa che condannò a morte decine di migliaia di bambini innocenti lasciati morire negli ospedali iracheni privi di medicinali) di embargo, di no fly zone, d'interventi militari e bombardamenti mirati, con quelle stesse bombe "intelligenti" che sterminarono masse d'inermi citadini iracheni nei mercati di Baghdad. Bambini e cittadini che mai hanno avuto la fortuna di assurgere allo status di popolo, rimanendo entità astratte, sacrificabili sotto forma di effetti collaterali della missione salvifica di esportazione della democrazia .

Proprio il popolo, infatti, sembra essere il fulcro intorno al quale s'incentrano in questi giorni i discorsi dei leader occidentali, con Obama e la sua tutrice Hilary Clinton a tirare la cordata delle grandi potenze illuminate che difendono il popolo con ogni mezzo, stanno con il popolo sempre e comunque, senza alcuna esitazione, appoggiano il popolo in qualunque sua decisione e sono disposti a combattere in armi chiunque non condivida con loro questo amore e rispetto viscerale per la libertà dei popoli ed il loro diritto ad autodeterminarsi.

Ma non facevano parte del popolo i cittadini di Falluja bruciati vivi da mani americane con una pioggia di fosforo bianco?
Non facevano e fanno parte del popolo i poveracci ridotti a relitti umani, uccisi e torurati nei lager di Guantanamo e Abu Grahib, con la quiescenza della Croce Rossa?
people were not part of the 1400 Palestinian civilians (over 400 of them children) massacred by the Israeli army during the operation Lead Time?
were not part of the people of Serbian citizens object to the bombing of 1999?
people were not part of the nine children killed a couple of days ago in Afghanistan by NATO helicopters, and gathered wood to keep warm?

And they are not part of the people in the West proyestano demonstrators against the G8 and are systematically slaughtered by local police, or even killed, as happened to Genoa in 2001? The American anti-war protesters faced a taser shots? Citizens who do not want landfills and incinerators, the TAV, and are therefore clubbed with bestial fury?

clearly no, since to kill, burn, and StoPro torturali and sticks were and are they, the guardians of democracy and lovers of people.
With good peace of conscience and hypocrisy status of people is now granted only to that part of Libyans who are supporting the armed rebellion against Gaddafi and to a lesser extent to the Tunisian and Egyptian citizens who ousted Ben Ali and Mubarak, who always continue to appear willing to accept the American aircraft carriers and democracy without hesitation.
status of people is a popular destination and hard to conquer, but just a moment of inattention to find themselves deprived of the title of salvation, and driven back into the throng of terrorists, mob, outcast, undemocratic, for which there is no mercy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Doing What is Right - sometimes certain precautions are Necessary / Do good - sometimes requires taking some precautions

  • To do evil is felt instinctively that must hide to avoid being caught and convicted, and to do good, it is believed that there is can show! There are people who perform for vanity, and so that trigger conflict, arouse animosity and jealousy. Would you like to give something to someone? Again, be careful: perhaps it is better that there are no witnesses. Sometimes it would even be preferable for the person to whom you do good to ignore da dove provenga quel bene, perché il vostro gesto può provocare in lui reazioni inaspettate.  In tutte le relazioni con gli altri, cercate di tener conto dei rapporti complicati che in ogni essere umano la natura inferiore mantiene con la natura superiore.
  • If you want to do something wrong, you instinctively feel you should hide, so as not to be caught and punished. And if you want to do something good, you think it is fine to be seen! Some people, out of vanity, even flaunt themselves, thus provoking opposition and arousing spite and jealousy. If you are thinking of making someone a gift, again, be careful: it might be better if there were no witnesses. And sometimes it would even be preferable for the person you are benefiting not to know where it came from, for your gesture may provoke unexpected reactions from them.
    In all your dealings with others, try to take into account the complex relationship between each person’s lower and higher natures.
  • Man spürt instinktiv, dass man sich, wenn man Böses tut, verstecken muss, um nicht ertappt und verurteilt zu werden. Und man meint, dass man es offen zeigen kann, wenn man Gutes tut! Gewisse Personen stellen sich dabei sogar aus Eitelkeit zur Schau und provozieren auf diese Weise Widerstände, Missgunst und Eifersucht. Ihr wollt jemandem etwas schenken? Auch da solltet ihr vorsichtig sein; vielleicht ist es besser, wenn dabei keine Zeugen anwesend are. And sometimes it would be even preferable that the one that the good you do not know where it comes from, as your gesture can cause unexpected reactions in him. Tries in all respects to the other, the complex relations with einzuberechnen which the lower nature in each person with the higher nature has.
  • Pour faire le mal qu'il faut se instinctivement sent on cacher, afin de ne pas être pris et condamné. Et pour faire le bien, qu'on peut se montrer on s'imagine! Certaines personnes même, par Vanité, s'exhibent, et voilà comment elles les oppositions déclenchent excitent, la malveillance, la jalousie. Vous voulez offrir quelque chose à quelqu’un ? Là aussi, soyez prudent : peut-être vaut-il mieux qu’il n’y ait pas de témoin. Et quelquefois, il serait même préférable que celui à qui vous faites du bien ignore d’où cela lui vient, car votre geste peut provoquer en lui des réactions inattendues. Dans toutes les relations avec les autres, tâchez de tenir compte des rapports compliqués qu’en chaque être humain la nature inférieure entretient avec la nature supérieure.
  • As pessoas sentem instintivamente que, para fazerem mal, devem esconder-se a fim de não being caught and convicted. And to do good, think they can show up! Some, for vanity, to show off, and thus trigger opposition and excite the malevolence, envy. Willing to offer something to someone? Be prudent in this case too: there is perhaps no better witnesses. And sometimes it is better that the one where you do well to ignore it comes to it, because your action may cause unexpected reactions in it.
    In all relationships with others, seek to take account of the complicated relationships that, in every human being, nature is inferior to the superior nature.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Causal plane - an inner peak Reached Through meditation / causal map - the highest in us that we achieve through meditation

  • La meditazione è un esercizio del pensiero mediante il quale vi sforzate di elevarvi il più in alto possibile nel mondo spirituale, ed è un esercizio difficile. Per aiutarvi, immaginate di scalare una montagna cercando di raggiungerne la vetta: questa immagine vi porterà verso un'altra montagna che è dentro di voi. La Scienza iniziatica chiama la vetta di questa montagna “il piano causale”. Compiendo degli sforzi per elevarvi fin lassù, non solo avrete le più grandi possibilità di realizzare i vostri pensieri e i vostri desideri migliori, ma interiormente vi sentirete invulnerabili.  Jesus said, "Build your house upon a rock." The rock is a symbol of the causal plane. In the causal plane you're safe because you are very high, on a very stable, nothing can be achieved. If you build your home on the mental plane or the astral plane, with any thoughts and feelings, common pools in the swamps and you are always vulnerable. You must set the altitude of the causal plane, and meditation to project up there.
  • Meditation is a mental exercise by Means of Which you strive to reach as high as you can in the spiritual world. It is Difficult to exercise. To help yourself, imagine you are climbing a mountain and aiming for the peak: this image will take you to another mountain within you. Initiatic Science calls this mountain peak the causal plane*. The efforts you make to reach that far will increase your chances of realizing your highest thoughts and wishes, and you will also feel invulnerable within yourself. Jesus said, ‘Build your house on rock’. Rock is a symbol for the causal plane. On the causal plane you are safe, for you are very high up, on very stable ground, and nothing can reach you. If you build your dwelling on the mental or astral plane, with mediocre, humdrum thoughts and feelings, you flounder in the mire and will always be vulnerable. You must settle on the heights of the causal plane, and it is meditation that will launch you there. 
  • La méditation est un exercice de la pensée par lequel vous vous efforcez de vous élever le plus haut possible dans le monde spirituel. C’est un exercice difficile. Pour vous y aider, imaginez que vous gravissez une montagne dont vous cherchez à atteindre le sommet : cette image vous amènera vers une autre montagne au-dedans de vous. Le sommet de cette montagne, la Science initiatique l’appelle le plan causal. En faisant des efforts pour vous élever jusque-là, non seulement vous aurez les plus grandes possibilités de réaliser vos pensées et vos désirs les meilleurs, mais intérieurement vous vous sentirez invulnérable. Jésus said: "Build your house upon a rock." The rock is a symbol of the causal plane. In the causal plane you're safe because you are very high, on a very stable ground, and nothing can reach you. If you build your home in the mental or the astral plane, with thoughts and feelings whatsoever, ordinary, you wade into the marshes and you're always vulnerable. You must install on the heights of the causal plane, and it is the meditation that you planned so far.
  • A meditação é um pensamento pelo qual exercício do your esforçais for ye lift up as high as possible in the spiritual world. It is a difficult exercise. To help you in that sense, imagine that subis a mountain and seek to reach the summit: this image will transport you to another mountain within you. Science Initiation flame to the summit of this mountain causal plane. When you make efforts to lift up to this summit, not only will have the greatest chances of realizing your best thoughts and your best wishes, but you will feel invulnerable inside. Jesus said: 'Build your house upon the rock. "The rock is a symbol of the causal plane. In the causal plane, you are safe in the you are very tall, very stable in soil and nothing can reach you. If you build your house on the mental or astral plane, with thoughts and feelings undifferentiated, vulgar, ye walk to wade into swampy areas and will always be vulnerable. You must install you in the heights of the causal plane and is the meditation that you projected there.

Monday, February 28, 2011

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Spirit and matter - as male and Aspects of the feminine principles / Spirit and matter - as aspects of masculine principles and female

  • Lo spirito e la materia question ... Ecco una senza fine poiché - sotto forme diverse - it spirito e la materia sleep il masculine and feminine, positive and negative, the emission and receptive, the heavens and the earth. Nothing is more important of the two principles, male and female, but you must understand which are respectively the position and role of each, not to favor one over another. Humans have always tended to go to extremes: either focus only on the spirit and neglect the subject, or focus on the process and leave the spirit. This is what occurs now: many are taken from the field and never try to incorporate the spirit. Then, the matter remains inert, lifeless, and ultimately phagocytosis. If men and women can be so vivid and expressive, it is thanks to the spirit that lives in them and drive them on. This is so true that when his death the spirit leaves a human being, not only have to bury him. It is always the spirit to work through the material, it is he who gives life, but no matter the spirit can not manifest.
  • Spirit and matter ... This is an endless question, since matter and spirit Appear in many different forms: as masculine and feminine, positive and negative, emissive and receptive, heaven and earth. Nothing is more important Than These two Principles - the masculine and the feminine. But You Have to Understand Their places respecto and roles so as not to favour one over the other. Humans always tend to go to extremes: either they focus only on the spirit and neglect matter, or they focus on matter and leave out the spirit. This is what is happening today, when so many people are in the grip of matter without ever seeking to bring the spirit into it. And so, matter remains inert, lifeless, and eventually it engulfs them.
    It is because the spirit is alive in them and animating their matter that men and women can be so alive and expressive. And to prove it: when a human being’s spirit departs at death, all that remains is to bury them. It is always the spirit acting through matter that brings it to life. But without matter, spirit is unable to manifest.
  • spirit and matter ... this is an endless subject because of various forms are also spirit and matter, male and female, positive and negative, transmission and reception, sky and earth. Nothing is more important than these two principles, male and female. But you must understand, what are their respective roles and places in order not to prefer the one at the expense of the other. People always tend to go to the extremes: either they focus only on the neglect spirit and matter, or neglect, they focus on matter and spirit. It happens often in this day and age where so many people are taken from the matter, without ever trying, bring in the spirit in them. So the matter remains motionless, lifeless, and they will devour at the end.
    men and women can therefore only be as lively and expressive, because they live in their spirit animates matter. We see how true that is when the spirit leaves a man at his death, it remains nothing more to do than to bury the body. Always it is the Spirit who works through the matter, he gives her life. But without the matter, the mind can not manifest.
  • L'esprit et la matière ... Voilà une question sans fin, car, sous diverses formes, l'esprit et la matière, c'est le féminin et le feminine, positive and negative, the emissive and receptive, heaven and earth. Nothing is more important that both male and female principles. But we must understand what their place and role respective to not favor one over the other. Humans have always tended to go to extremes: either they focus only on the mind and ignore the matter, or they focus on the material and leave the mind. This is what happens now when so many people are caught by the material without ever trying to introduce mind. Then, the material remains inert and lifeless, and she eventually engulf them.
    If men and women can be so alive, expressive, it is because of the spirit that lives in them and that drives their matter. It's so true that when, at his death the spirit leaves a human being, it only remains to bury. It is always the spirit that moves through the material, it is he who gives it life. But no matter the mind can not occur.
  • O espírito ea matéria ... Eis uma questão sem fim, peas, sob diversas formas, o espírito ea matéria são o masculino e o feminino, o positivo e o negativo, o emissivo e o receptivo, o céu e a terra. Nada é mais importante do que estes dois princípios, masculino e feminino. Mas é preciso compreender quais são o lugar e o papel de cada um deles para não se privilegiar um em detrimento do outro. Os humanos têm sempre tendência para os extremos: ou se concentram só no espírito e descuram a matéria, ou se concentram na matéria e abandonam o espírito. É o que sucede actualmente, em que tantas pessoas são apanhadas pela matéria sem nunca procurarem introduzir nela o espírito. Então, a matéria fica inerte, inanimada, e acaba por engoli-los.
    Os homens e as mulheres can be as lively and expressive because of the spirit that lives in them and that animates his subject. This is so true that when the spirit leaves a man at the time of his death, we can only bury it. It is always the spirit that works through matter, it is he who gives life. But no matter, the spirit can not manifest itself.
il pensiero del giorno - Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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Soldati per tutta la vita

Marco Cedolin
The documentary Warology , do the other war, and Morgan Menegazzo Mariachiara Pernis, recently available in Italian bookstores, gives rise to a series of reflections interesting on the subject of war, suggesting the observation from different angles than we're used to and insight into the evolution of a society subject to rapid changes so as radical.
The very concept of war, goes beyond the confines of the clash between the armies of opposing factions to join in individuality of each of us, where we all find ourselves playing the role of "soldiers" from cradle to death, subdued by the dogma of competition that we are taught from an early age, as the only way of relating with our fellow man.
major world war, every day the state of modus vivendi. We are at war office with our colleagues, in city traffic with the driver that supports the traffic light at the restaurant with the couple of friends with whom to share the dinner table, at the gym next to us who does gymnastics, family with your spouse, children, parents.
In accordance with the axiom that the only form of life considered to be satisfactory through the imperative to compete, fight and be successful, we begin to dress the beds divided between asylum and we carry on like a second skin for the entire lifetime without ever take that away, even in recent years senescescenza. With all its corollary of victories and defeats, which too often is a burden on the weight unsustainable .....

The war is inculcated in us through education and media propaganda (which is part of) and makes us tools to its service and very fittingly Warology states that "if each of us decides not to make war more than those around him, probably it would be incredibly contagious. "

But the wars of the future does not necessarily contemplate military action and killing the enemy in order to achieve the conquest of the territories. They will also be invisible wars waged by armies that use the weapon of mass manipulation, to subdue rather than kill, enemies / consumers and win more new slices of the global market. Substituting the risk of losing their lives in front of a bayonet, with that of losing the ability to judge and freedom of choice in front of an LCD screen.
The challenge is always to be able to free us from our destiny as sacrificial victims, gaining knowledge and awareness of the invisible threads that guide our lives so that it is functional to the interests of the puppeteers. E 'possible to react to the influences, even if there Tempestini from an early age, but the transaction costs sweat and toil and undress the role of victim is difficult to undress as much as those of a soldier, especially us that we are both victims and soldiers.
Humanity is finally at war even against the biosphere that hosts it. The nature, climate, animals, are enemies to subdue and bend to our will, through the weapon technology. And the more powerful and sophisticated technology becomes, the more we acquire the belief of having won more new battles, without even any regard for who is losing the only war that counts, one for survival.
But nature, through the climate control and manipulation germ can become a deadly weapon, as cyclones, earthquakes and epidemics have destructive potential in excess of that of nuclear weapons. Ensuring each circular path brings you back to the starting point in that war that we have trained to win, knowing that in every war lies only defeat.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Master, spiritual - reawakens in history not followers of The Memory / Spiritual Master - wakes up in his disciples remembered experiences Past

  • la decisione di seguire When certain una via is engraved in the depths of your being, it becomes like an instinct that keeps you from deviating and shows you how to avoid or overcome obstacles. If you happen too often forget the good that you have taken resolutions, it is because you have not yet sufficiently impressed in your subconscious, until at the very heart of your cells. The role of a spiritual teacher is precisely to awaken in 'soul of his disciples the memory of past experiences and decisions. Otherwise, when they will again cross the borders of the afterlife, they will be forced once again to see the mediocrity and the emptiness of their appena lasciato… e saranno condannati a vagare nelle regioni aride e oscure dell’altro mondo. Gesù diceva: «Ammassate dei tesori nel Cielo». Questa raccomandazione è la sintesi di tutta una scienza della vita.
  • When the decision to follow a certain path is etched deeply into your being, it becomes like an instinct that prevents you from straying and shows you how to avoid or overcome obstacles. If you too often forget the good resolutions you made, it is because you have not yet imprinted them strongly enough in your subconscious, at the very core of your cells.
    The role of a spiritual Master is actually to reawaken in the soul of his disciples the memory of past experiences and of the decisions they made. Otherwise, when they are once more about to cross over into the beyond, they will yet again have to admit to the inanity and mediocrity of the life they have just left behind. And they will be condemned to wander in the dark, arid regions of the other world. Jesus said, 'Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. " This recommendation sums up a whole science of life.
  • If the decision to follow a certain path, is deeply imprinted in your nature, it is like an instinct that prevents you to come off the path and could you show how you overcome the obstacles and work around. If you forget the good intentions too often made, it is because that ye have not enough in your subconscious mind, to the heart of your cells, imprinted habt.Die role of a spiritual master is just in the soul of his students, the memory of past experiences and decisions taken to awaken. Otherwise, they will find the next border crossing to the other world only once more, as mediocre and trivial life was that they have just left. And then they have to wander in the dark and barren regions of the world beyond. Jesus said, "lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven" (Matt. 6:20). This recommendation is the synthesis of a whole philosophy of life.
  • When the decision to follow a certain path is etched deep within your being, it becomes like an instinct that keeps you from deviating and tells you how to avoid or overcome obstacles. If you miss too often the good intentions that you have taken, because you have not yet sufficiently imprinted in your subconscious to the very heart of your cells.
    The role of a spiritual Master is precisely to awaken in the souls of his disciples the memory of past experiences and decisions. Otherwise, when they will again cross the border de l'au-delà, ils auront une fois de plus la Mediocritas to note, l'existence de l'inanité qu'ils viennent of quitter ... Et ils seront condamné to errer dans les régions aride et de l'autre monde obscures. Jésus disait: "Amassez-vous dans le Ciel de Trésors." Cette recommandation est la synthèse de toute une science de la vie.
  • When a decision to follow a particular route is engraved in the depths of your being, it becomes like an instinct that prevents you turn aside and showing you how to avoid or overcome obstacles. If you happen to forget a lot the good times you have taken resolutions is because they still do not sufficiently impressed in your subconscious, even into the nucleus of your cells.
    The role of a spiritual Master is precisely to awaken the soul of his disciples the memory of past experiences and decisions taken. Otherwise, when they have to go back the frontiers beyond, will again see the mediocrity, emptiness, existence that have just left ... and will be condemned to wander the arid and obscure the other world. Jesus said: "Gather treasures in heaven" This recommendation is a synthesis of all science vida.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Pokemon Would Look Like With Genitalia

Work in the Fields of the Lord - consequences of this Commitment / Labouring in the Lord's field - the consequences of this commitment

  • We represent something great and good only in proportion to what we do for the community, for all humanity; it is then that we become our true value as we become collaborators with God himself. who works for the good of the community was a worker in the Lord. The spirits bright approach him to sign with their seal, and once it is marked as if it were included in a list, next to his name is noted that che gli è dovuto, e ogni giorno egli riceve della “posta”, si può anche dire un “salario”. Quel salario prende varie forme: forza per lo spirito, dilatazione per l’anima, luce per l’intelletto, calore per il cuore e salute per il corpo fisico.
  • We represent something great and beautiful only inasmuch as we do something for the collectivity, for the whole of humanity. Only then do we assume our true worth, for we begin to collaborate with God himself.
    Those who work for the good of the collectivity are workers in the field of the Lord. Spirits of light come to them to mark them with their seal, and once they have been marked it is as if their name had been added to a list, next to their name is a note of what is owed them, and each day they receive 'post' - so you could say they receive a 'salary'. This salary comes in various forms: as strength for the spirit, expansion for the soul, light for the mind, warmth for the heart, and health for the physical body.
  • We only to the extent something big and beautiful is how we do things for the community, for all humanity. In it we get our true value, because we ourselves become employees of God.
    Who works for the good of the community, is a worker in the field of the Lord. The luminous ghosts approach him to it with their initials marked and once he is identified, it is as if he were included in a list, next to his name is what you owe him, and he receives every day, "Post" or one could also say he gets "a" salary. This content has different forms: for the spirit it is power, for the soul extension to the mind of light, heat for the heart and the physical body health.
  • Nous ne représentons quelque chose de grand et de beau qu'à proportion de ce que nous pour la Faisons collectivité, pour l'humanité entière; this is where we take our true value as we become collaborators of God Himself.
    He who works for the good of the community is a laborer in the Lord's field. The bright minds approach him to mark their mark, and once it is marked, as if it was included on a list, next to his name is noted that it is due and every day he receives a "courier", one can also say "wages." This salary takes various forms: strength for the mind, expansion for the soul, light pour l’intellect, chaleur pour le cœur, santé pour le corps physique.
  • Nós só representamos algo de grandioso e de belo na medida daquilo que fazemos para a colectividade, para toda a humanidade; é aí que assumimos o nosso verdadeiro valor, pois tornamo-nos colaboradores do próprio Deus.
    Aquele que trabalha para o bem da colectividade é um obreiro no campo do Senhor. Os espíritos luminosos aproximam-se dele para o marcar com o seu selo e, uma vez que ele está marcado, é como se estivesse inscrito numa lista; ao lado do seu nome é anotado o que lhe é devido e todos os dias ele recebe um “correio”, a que também podemos chamar um “salário”. Esse salário assume diversas formas: força para o espírito, dilatação para a alma, luz para o intelecto, calor para o coração, saúde para o corpo físico.

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Deeds - Children of the father (the mind) and The Mother (the heart) / acts - children's father (the intellect) and mother (the heart)

Cosa sleep vostra i figli? Dei sogni, dei pensieri e dei sentimenti che avete avuto in passato e ai quali ora avete dato carne ed ossa. Ignorate chi eravate in passato? Ebbene, guardate i vostri figli. Essi vi diranno: «Osservateci: veniamo a insegnarvi molte cose su di voi». Per conoscere la verità sugli esseri, occorre guardare i loro figli.
Mi direte forse che non siete sposati e che non avete figli. Anche qui vi sbagliate. I vostri “figli” possono essere anche le vostre azioni, e quindi ogni giorno mettete al mondo dei figli. Gesù ha detto che si riconosce un albero dai suoi frutti. Se i vostri frutti sono aspri, amari o acidi, questo prova che in voi, la madre (il cuore) e il padre (l’intelletto) sono difettosi. L’azione è un figlio che can be divine only if the father and mother were divinely conceived. "

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Deeds - Children of the father (the mind) and The Mother (the heart) / acts - children's father (intellect) and mother (the heart)

  • Cosa sono i vostri figli? Dei sogni, dei pensieri e dei sentimenti che avete avuto in passato e ai quali ora avete dato carne ed ossa. Ignorate chi eravate in passato? Ebbene, guardate i vostri figli. Essi vi diranno: «Osservateci: veniamo a insegnarvi molte cose su di voi». Per conoscere la verità sugli beings, must watch their children. I will say that maybe you are single and have no children. Even here you are wrong. Your "children" can also be your actions, and every day give birth to children. Jesus said that to recognize a tree by its fruit. If your fruit is sour, bitter or acidic, this proves that you, the mother (the heart) and father (intellect) is defective. The action is a child which can be divine only if the father and mother were divinely conceived.
  • What are your children? They are the dreams, thoughts and feelings You Had in the Past Which Have you now made flesh and bone. If you do not know who you were in the past, then look at your children; they will tell you, ‘Watch, we have come to teach you many things about yourself.’ If you want to know the truth about people, you have to look at their children.
    You may say you are not married and have no children. Again, you are mistaken. Your deeds can also be seen as your children, and so you are bringing children into the world every day. Jesus said you can recognize a tree by its fruit. If your fruit is sharp, bitter, acidic, it proves that your inner mother (your heart) and your inner father (your mind) are defective. A deed is a child that can only be divine if the father and mother have conceived it divinely.
  • Que sont your children? Dreams, thoughts, feelings you have had in the past and now that you have given flesh and bone. You know who you were in the past? Well, watch your children, they will say: "Look at us, we just teach you a lot about you." To know the truth about things, we must watch their children.
    You tell me maybe you are not married and you have no children. Again, you're wrong. Your children, it can also be your actions, so it's every day that you put des enfants au monde. Jésus a dit l'on reconnaît that un arbre à ses fruits. If thou fruits sont apres, AMERSA, acidosis, cell Prouve qu'en vous, la mère (le coeur) et le père (l'intellect) sont défectueux. L'action est un enfant ne peut être divin Thurs that you read père et la mère l'ont concu divinement.
  • What are your children? They are dreams, thoughts and feelings that you too had in the past and those to which we now flesh and bone. Not know who you were before? Well, look at your children, they will tell you: 'Behold us, we come to teach you many things about you. " To know the truth about beings, we must watch their children.
    can you say to me that you are not married and have no children. Here too you are wrong. Your children can also be your actions, and therefore every day you bring children into the world. Jesus said a tree is recognized by its fruit. If your fruit is acres, bitter, sour, this proves that, in you, the mother (the heart) and father (the intellect) are defective. The action is a child that can only be the divine Father and Mother divinely conceived.