Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Painting On Sheer Cloth

Doing What is Right - sometimes certain precautions are Necessary / Do good - sometimes requires taking some precautions

  • To do evil is felt instinctively that must hide to avoid being caught and convicted, and to do good, it is believed that there is can show! There are people who perform for vanity, and so that trigger conflict, arouse animosity and jealousy. Would you like to give something to someone? Again, be careful: perhaps it is better that there are no witnesses. Sometimes it would even be preferable for the person to whom you do good to ignore da dove provenga quel bene, perché il vostro gesto può provocare in lui reazioni inaspettate.  In tutte le relazioni con gli altri, cercate di tener conto dei rapporti complicati che in ogni essere umano la natura inferiore mantiene con la natura superiore.
  • If you want to do something wrong, you instinctively feel you should hide, so as not to be caught and punished. And if you want to do something good, you think it is fine to be seen! Some people, out of vanity, even flaunt themselves, thus provoking opposition and arousing spite and jealousy. If you are thinking of making someone a gift, again, be careful: it might be better if there were no witnesses. And sometimes it would even be preferable for the person you are benefiting not to know where it came from, for your gesture may provoke unexpected reactions from them.
    In all your dealings with others, try to take into account the complex relationship between each person’s lower and higher natures.
  • Man spürt instinktiv, dass man sich, wenn man Böses tut, verstecken muss, um nicht ertappt und verurteilt zu werden. Und man meint, dass man es offen zeigen kann, wenn man Gutes tut! Gewisse Personen stellen sich dabei sogar aus Eitelkeit zur Schau und provozieren auf diese Weise Widerstände, Missgunst und Eifersucht. Ihr wollt jemandem etwas schenken? Auch da solltet ihr vorsichtig sein; vielleicht ist es besser, wenn dabei keine Zeugen anwesend are. And sometimes it would be even preferable that the one that the good you do not know where it comes from, as your gesture can cause unexpected reactions in him. Tries in all respects to the other, the complex relations with einzuberechnen which the lower nature in each person with the higher nature has.
  • Pour faire le mal qu'il faut se instinctivement sent on cacher, afin de ne pas être pris et condamné. Et pour faire le bien, qu'on peut se montrer on s'imagine! Certaines personnes même, par Vanité, s'exhibent, et voilà comment elles les oppositions déclenchent excitent, la malveillance, la jalousie. Vous voulez offrir quelque chose à quelqu’un ? Là aussi, soyez prudent : peut-être vaut-il mieux qu’il n’y ait pas de témoin. Et quelquefois, il serait même préférable que celui à qui vous faites du bien ignore d’où cela lui vient, car votre geste peut provoquer en lui des réactions inattendues. Dans toutes les relations avec les autres, tâchez de tenir compte des rapports compliqués qu’en chaque être humain la nature inférieure entretient avec la nature supérieure.
  • As pessoas sentem instintivamente que, para fazerem mal, devem esconder-se a fim de não being caught and convicted. And to do good, think they can show up! Some, for vanity, to show off, and thus trigger opposition and excite the malevolence, envy. Willing to offer something to someone? Be prudent in this case too: there is perhaps no better witnesses. And sometimes it is better that the one where you do well to ignore it comes to it, because your action may cause unexpected reactions in it.
    In all relationships with others, seek to take account of the complicated relationships that, in every human being, nature is inferior to the superior nature.


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