Public my last article, new orders and old contradictions , published in the journal "Italian community" of Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, the month of March 2011.
new orders and old contradictions
(Foreign policy is important for all countries but some stand out as clearly unreliable)
Foreign policy is a serious matter. The greatness of a nation is also seen by his foreign policy made good sense, of course, but mainly on the protection of his interests. Yes, common sense and protect their interests, would be a contradiction in terms to say, given that the raison d'état more often does not coincide with what the public would feel right or wrong. Not that the public should always have a monopoly on reason, but it is certain that when you consider how many countries (and there are many ...) continue to do business with many different systems around the world, well, then, is some suspicion that not everything runs smoothly.
That 's what's going on for several weeks in this part with North Africa and the Middle East where, in a sort of domino effect, many of the old regimes are collapsing under the weight of commitment to innovation. The last time-Gaddafi is the poor who, after being in the middle of huge business with our prime minister signed the Treaty of Friendship (but let us not forget that even the previous governments have been spared with this clown) has even had the privilege of giving a speech in a hall of the Senate which, fortunately, there never was.
Sure, Italy has very big interests in Libya to begin ENI one of the largest world giants in the energy sector, but the ambiguity of our country that allowed us not to lose two wars changed sides at the last minute confirmation, for example, that we are the best U.S. allies in words. Wikileaks has laid bare the limits of our own international politics, where big business, the personal interests of Silvio with Putin and Gaddafi, worries the Obama administration.
yet, "Gaddafi must go." With these words, our foreign minister, Franco Frattini, has reneged statements just a few days earlier in which he argued that the EU should not have Libyan action on the issue by letting the Libyan dictator. I understand the defense of our interests, but the poor do not figure has been averted. Congratulations to those who profess not to care but then promptly convinced American.
E 'clear, no one has to take orders from Washington, nor loyalty means loyalty to his friend U.S. (there were statesmen today to De Gaulle in Europe), but in these times of confusion of roles has made the 'Italy, as never before, the most classic of dupes.
admit (I start to worry because I would never have thought) che le prime mosse di Dilma Rousseff mi hanno stupito positivamente. Molto meno presenzialista rispetto a Lula, uomo della provvidenza in Brasile, in politica estera sembra aver preso le distanze dal suo predecessore. La nuova amministrazione pare intenzionata ad abbandonare al loro destino i regimi dittatoriali e ciò potrebbe, forse, favorire anche la caduta di Chavez in Venezuela. Ricordo ai duri d’orecchi, infatti, che proprio Lula solo qualche settimana prima di terminare il suo mandato ricevette in pompa magna il presidente venezuelano. Sprecandosi in inutili elogi verso l’amico Hugo, Lula si è ritagliato il ruolo di garante di Chavez sapendo comnque che di lì a poco se ne sarebbe andato. Attendo, insomma, che Dilma dia una bella virata scaricando anche Ahmadinejad ma forse ci vorrà ancora del tempo.
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