Thursday, December 30, 2010

Acrylic Bathtub Vs Americast

Brindisi amari

Marco Cedolin
intersect goblets, rippling lips to utter phrases good luck, you toast the new year arrives, but the overriding feeling is that while the disastrous 2010 finish, the tragedy continues, never mind the wishes and hopes.
not have to be very pessimistic to understand how the past year, condensed into a series of ugly seamless addition to making the wine bitter, have built it in 2011 because the conditions follows closely in his footsteps, making men more and more alone, deprived of hopes and joy of life, dragged into a game of chance where the dealer only wins, but with dazed eyes continue to sit in and play then play again, although the only prospect is to lose everything, ultimately even our dignity.
year that dissolves in the wine glasses made from stale bitter will be remembered not as a function of sensational events that have changed the course of history and probably will slip in the sands of time with no surprises, with its sum of human misery on whose foundations are being built of clay already more human misery, destined for a future that leaves a sour taste in the mouth of the metal.
The sell-off workers , blackmailed, harassed, intimidated and encouraged to practice self-injury ,..... presentato loro come il "male minore", perchè in fondo un calcio negli stinchi somiglia quasi ad una carezza quando ti convincono che l'unica alternativa è costituita da una serie di bastonate sulla schiena dalle quali non ti rialzerai più.

Il cedimento sempre più evidente di un territorio violentato in profondità dalla cementificazione selvaggia, figlia di un "progresso" che ha il cervello del malaffare e il passo del gambero, ma viene unanimamente accettato come elemento positivo da coccolare. Poco importa se ogni piovasco ormai è foriero di frane disastrose, alluvioni, morti e feriti. La colpa è sempre del tempo cattivo, del mare in burrasca and bad luck.

young people without a future and for the role of sacrificial lambs in a working world that no longer exists, except in the form of a Babel schizophrenic nor meaningless construct. Young-induced "bad teachers" to believe that all their problems are embodied in the person of Mariastella Gelmini led by the hand to protest against a gear, while a huge machine, which the teachers themselves are part, is preparing to torn to pieces and crush them without mercy.

The media circus that has lost all contact with reality and devoted every ounce of its weight of thought immanent orientation and support consumption, making the world of TG, TV and newspapers more virtual than it is to Second Life.

The political class increasingly confused, clinging to the benches of power, working full time in palace intrigues, in the mess-ups, the conspiracies, about to relinquish even the farce of the ten-year comparison right / left . Right and left are fossilized dinosaurs in a past now, Italian politicians, the class does not rule anything , because all decisions are taken in Brussels and taxes by private committees supra, the only function remaining in the hands of the policy is on the distribution of contracts, financing and the role of power in a symbiotic relationship with the world of ill repute. It is an incontrovertible truth, clear eyes ditutto, but it is preferable that the play continues, otherwise once the bubble burst, who knows where we might end up, and it is too great fear that they might disappear even crumbs, in a company now consists of bins crumbs.

You could also say a few words about the economic crisis, the tragedy of pollution, money che non esistono impegnati in opere faraoniche, all'incubo di un ritorno delle centrali nucleari, alla speculazione miliardaria imbastita intorno ai rifiuti di Napoli, alla situazione politica internazionale prodromica di nuove guerre d'occupazione, al progressivo smantellamento degli stati nazionali, in funzione della costruzione di un unico stato globale e globalizzato, quando il gambero del progresso avrà terminato la sua corsa.
Ma l'anno nuovo ormai sta già iniziando ed essendo questi argomenti parte delle sue fondamenta non mancherà certo l'occasione di parlarne.
Per adesso buon brindisi e se vi capita di storcere la bocca per il sapore amaro fate attenzione a non farvi notare, l'etichetta di pessimista, in una società votata all'ottimismo anche quando corre verso il baratro, potrebbe risultare un fardello pesante da portare nel corso del viaggio.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Large Lumps Top Of Tail

I colonizzatori dell’immaginario collettivo

Rinascita ha incontrato Marco Cedolin, scrittore e studioso di economia, ambiente e comunicazione, che ha parlato di globalizzazione e anestetizzazione delle coscienze.
Fabio Polese
La circolazione delle notizie, sui grandi media, è subordinata alla volontà dei “sistemi” che gestiscono i media stessi. Viviamo nella società del controllo e sembra che esista un governo sovranazionale ed invisibile che decida cosa è giusto farci sapere and what does not. In this apocalyptic scenario, we met Mark Cedolin, writer and scholar of economics, environment and communication, to ask him some questions. "I do not think there is doubt about the existence of a supranational government which, through the colonization of the collective imagination, shapes the knowledge, sensitivity, taste, emotional reactions and, more generally, people's thoughts - highlights Marco Cedolin - in order to create a perfect mass of global consumers perfectly homogenized, uncritical and programmed to react to any stimulus induced in the manner expected. " Asked whether there are psychological warfare operations, the writer and scholar states: "This is not so much a psychological war, since the concept of war implies the presence of at least two warring parties, but in this case the person engaged in the task is obvious one. Speak of an orientation process and globalization of thought, through the systematic annihilation of conscience anesthetized prerogative of any culture that could jeopardize the success of the project "..... settlers of the collective, therefore, act in various ways. Shape the news to your liking within the mainstream media, sometimes the build, other times you practice euthanasia, always decide on the nature of everything that needs to become "information" that the operation had the desired effect. But the colonists not only monopolize the information, also run school education, the advertising market, recording and publishing, cinema, sport, medicine and any other field conditions, the "construction" of the individual. It seems that not only shape the focus on many different topics but also decide whether something really happened or not. "In the global information society shouted" real-time, - says Marco Cedolin - there and have a practical dimension and only those facts which are given to those events and the news value of that existence is directly proportional to the area to represent them in they bestowed by the media "- and continues with a concrete example -" If she and I go up to protest on a crane and unroll a banner, our action will become "real" only if and when it will be documented by the media and take value in proportion to the importance that the media are reserved. If no newspaper and no TV will document the incident for the rest of the world (except for an occasional passer-by who was in the vicinity), there has been no climbing the crane and any protest. " The power to decide what really exists is huge, since reality is imperfect and fragmentary, built in pursuit of specific interests, global public opinion is presented as the only true reality, making the thoughts, reactions , the emotions of the masses, is exactly what was intended to provoke.
When we look at any TV news or read any newspaper, we are "attracted" by the same words. Words that, if not fully assessed, can seem full of meaning. The caller is then plagiarized emotionally. The items are the core information and their importance goes far beyond what is imaginable that those casually browsing through a newspaper or watch a TG. Information screamed and hyperkinetic of our time has chosen a very appropriate language to attract the attention of the reader / listener and influence the proceedings.
Cedolin Mark shows us the obvious examples: "The first trick is from the habit of talking to pre-built slogan, slogans, most of the time empty of content but of great effect, which will be repeated like a mantra constantly, until the ' Public opinion will be induced to make them their own form of incontrovertible truth. The growth of GDP will become synonymous with welfare, though not the title. The expenditure of billions of euro of public money for the construction of mammoth infrastructure will be accepted as a vehicle for improving the economic condition of citizens, who instead find themselves forced from their own pockets to finance operations at a loss. Employment in arms of sovereign states will be presented as a peacekeeping operation, designed to "civilize" other, less and less of us civilians. The giving of public money for rain to swell the coffers of the private banking system, will be touted as "aid" to the citizens of either state in distress. The cutting of the welfare state, income and services, to the detriment of the welfare of the citizens, will be justified as necessary sacrifices to reduce public debt and so on. The second trick is the careful choice of words to use in the dissemination of news, depending on the ultimate goal is to put in good light or bad a particular political figure, a state, a legislative measure, a demonstration or any type of occurrence. The government of a state that is intended to discredit will therefore always be called "regime" even when, as in the case of Iranian President Ahmadinejad is a legitimate government elected during the elections and participate much more clean than the U.S. and most Western countries. The same way as the leader of a friendly country will be called "President" and the nation will be called "democratic", even if, as in the case of Israel, the army of that nation continues to stain every day of horrible crimes. The leader of a country increasingly uncomfortable otherwise it will be labeled as a tyrant, despot, dictator, etc.. The protesters who come into contact with the police are thugs, troublemakers and violent, if they bring forward issues that must be discredited, but simply become angry residents if their battle can be in qualche modo funzionale ad un disegno superiore. Molte volte basta la scelta di una parola per cambiare completamente l’intera ottica attraverso la quale viene letto un accadimento”. C’è il serio rischio, quando si da un’informazione che è contraria a quella fornita dai media considerati tradizionali di passare per complottista. Spesso si rischia di essere emarginati dal circuito di mediatico di massa e automaticamente messi nella condizione di non nuocere. “Poco importa – spiega Marco Cedolin - se le nostre affermazioni in merito alla fallacia della verità ufficiale riguardo alla strage dell’11 settembre sono suffragate da una serie interminabile di elementi incontrovertibili, se il nostro giudizio negativo against the high-speed railway is based on data and evidence of economic and scientific that no serious analysis would be able to disprove, if our position papers on economic, political and environmental detail and documented in studies and analysis with solid foundations. " It seems that produce real information is strictly prohibited in a media circus where the imperative is to produce a fictional truth that serves the higher interests. It also seems very difficult to defend the global control. The great interests involved in the control information managing their leverage power through a simple but effective lever economica.
Qualsiasi strumento d’informazione di massa può esistere solo se supportato da consistenti investimenti economici, facendo sì che i “finanziatori” siano gli unici soggetti in grado di decidere la natura e la qualità dell’informazione stessa. Nell’era di internet e del giornalismo partecipativo, esistono, però, fonti d’informazione alternative; esiste qualche piccola casa editrice indipendente, qualche rivista e quotidiano a tiratura limitata. “Per essere bene informati – conclude lo scrittore e studioso Marco Cedolin - occorre faticare, navigare su internet almeno un paio di ore al giorno, leggere molto e farlo sempre con grande spirito critico. Osservare le notizie da varie angolazioni, contribuendo alla formazione di un proprio punto di vista che non dovrà per forza collimare con quello espresso nei testi che si sono letti”. La possibilità d’informarsi correttamente esiste ma richiede tempo e fatica. Certamente è molto più facile sedersi in poltrona e accendere la TV. Sta solo a noi scegliere se ne valga o meno la pena.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Vans Shoe Work Application


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gameshark Gba For Mac

I media e la costruzione della realtà

Marco Cedolin

L’importanza dell’informazione nella nostra società contemporanea è enorme, così come spaventoso si rivela il potere concentrato nelle mani dei grandi media che gestiscono la costruzione della realtà.
Almost everything we know and go beyond the walls of our house, factory or office where we work and the narrow circle of our friends and our knowledge does not exist in its true nature, but one in which the media are considered to represent it.
A protest, a march, a demonstration, unless we have personally involved, will be part of our awareness only if the information has decided to inform us, otherwise we will be as if they never existed.
A project such as high-speed railway will be felt by us, useless, Malicious or strategic, depending on the various opinions that the experts and politicians have expressed through the media which are thus able to filter them in order to achieve the desired effect.
If we do not live in the Susa Valley are the media to reveal the identity and motives of the protesters and in accordance with the reality that the media represent us we consider them. Anarcho - insurgents, provocative, hooligans looking for any opportunity that allows them to vent their violence, or good people and honest citizens who peacefully defend their land ....

are newspapers and television stations to offer i parametri attraverso i quali leggere il mondo che ci circonda, individuare i buoni e i cattivi, separare i progetti utili da quelli sbagliati, considerare la validità delle scelte di ordine economico, ambientale, etico, scientifico, formarci un’opinione su tutto ciò che accade. Sono i giornali e le televisioni a fornirci le coordinate che ci permetteranno di entusiasmarci, preoccuparci, indignarci, emozionarci, solidarizzare, condividere, contestare, disapprovare, manifestare qualsivoglia genere di emozione funzionale alla realtà che ci viene rappresentata.

Ma i media non si limitano a plasmare e costruire la realtà a loro piacimento, essi sono in grado di decidere se un determinato evento è esistito o meno e possono operare in questo senso con molta facilità, limitandosi a rendere pubblica o ignorare una determinata notizia.
Tutto ciò che non viene rappresentato dai giornali e dalle televisioni, semplicemente non è esistito, tranne ovviamente per chi è stato direttamente coinvolto nell’evento.
Il controllo dell’informazione è perciò indispensabile all’oligarchia di potere, tanto quanto lo è quello della politica, solo attraverso la condiscendenza dei media è infatti possibile gestire l’opinione pubblica, costruire consenso e distruggere eventuali avversari.

In relazione a questa necessità ossessiva di mistificare mediaticamente il mondo reale, al fine di orientare l'opinione pubblica in maniera funzionale agli interessi superiori, anche il linguaggio sta cambiando in profondità.
Le parole non hanno più una valenza specifica funzionale al proprio contenuto, ma sono diventate gusci vuoti privati di un significato intrinseco, adatti non a rappresentare un concetto ma semplicemente a soggiogare emotivamente l’interlocutore.
Quante volte guardando la televisione o leggendo i giornali c’imbattiamo in concetti quali “strategicità di un’opera”, “necessità di sviluppo”, "Serving the goals of growth," vital to economic recovery "," democratization of a people "," recovery of competitiveness "," greater flexibility "," global market "," large infrastructure of international importance. "
These phrases, clichés, external effect that though lacking any real meaning, however, slow to the desired result, because we tend to be affected by the redundancy of the concept, without bothering to delve into its contents.
Who made the outside will never be able to explain why that particular work is the reason for the strategic or development needs, or the reasons for such a decision serves the vital objectives of economic growth or economic recovery. No one will be able to explain how it is possible to export democracy, what it really means to regain competitiveness, which is the international importance of infrastructure or why it is necessary to have more flexibility and what are the parameters of a global market.
Nevertheless, we will have the priority and metabolized the essential concept, accepting it as a necessary and indispensable.

Another example of packaging that every day is imposed on us by the misuse of words consists of those terms that are used as synonymous with modernity, while not in themselves any specific value.
Fast, great, global, sustainable, international, vital, strategic, EU, progress, future development, new growth, competitiveness, priority, are all terms that are
with repeated violence by the media in a incessant and obsessive different concepts to give a driver's good, beautiful and modern.
Again "development sustainable "," industrial ecology "," green growth "," clean production "," solidarity economy "," clean war "," globalization with a human face "are all terms that reveal contradictions in the attempt to attach a label or function social elements which by their very nature could never boast.
Building the myth of the omnipotence of technology, whether scientific or economic, it tries to propose as a remedy for the very cause of the disease, in view of a regressive and narrow view of man, understood only as a consumer, tube digestive system of the machine and gear production.
A gear that needs to be always well oiled and maintained, to continue to do a better job that the poor was assigned.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Ignorance to Power

For League Luca Zaia, president of the Veneto Region and Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies of the IV Berlusconi government, Pompei only "four stones" for which it is not worth money to spend.

But we would like to ask us

"Do you think it is worth throwing money to keep a politician so rude and ignorant or would be more cost get rid of the way?"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lab 8 Ap Biology Answers

Cruising Spots In Michigan

La voragine del TAV non è solo finanziaria

Marco Cedolin
We have repeatedly argued in these pages as the Italian high-speed project constitutes a financial abyss in the order of 80 billion euro, paid by the Italian taxpayer, his children and his grandchildren, who will be forced to repay the costs sprositati over the coming decades. As we have repeatedly denounced the media hoax, as practiced by Mauro Moretti and politics, with the complicity of the information in "selling" the Italian TAV under the guise of a great work is now completed and, after the devastation implementation in Mugello, the nodes citizens continue the work and the "neutral" design of the underpass dela city of Florence has not yet even started.
Just last night, within the node of Bologna, where the yards of TAV, managed by the company Astaldi years are killing the homes of residents in the adjacent street Carracci, now reduced to half houses at risk, often and shored up with extensive cracks in the walls, the financial abyss has also added the structural form of a huge hole fifteen feet in diameter and three deep suddenly opened up to house number 69 .....

The huge chasm that has carried with him a container, luckily caused no casualties, while the entire area was immediately cordoned off and hidden from view from outside with the help of panels.
Residents of the area for years, meeting a committee aimed at safeguarding their rights trampled by that TAV, which has become a nightmare for them, do not hesitate to declare very concerned about their safety and integrity of the houses are already severely compromised by work on the excavation of the tunnel and the construction of the underground station.

There is no doubt that the only answers that will provide policy makers and their work will consist of vague reassurances and some panel that will help them to "forget" what happened. At the end fortunately, despite the severity of the collapse, there is no escaping the dead and the news, local news relegated to the newspapers disappear quickly from the short memory of the public.

remains to wonder if these are the premises of Bologna, what will happen in Florence underpass where the current draft of the city involves the construction of two tunnels of a length of 8 km each, perpendicular to the line of flow of the water table and a station located underground beneath the bed of the stream Mugnone which is the main tributary ?
With work that will last at least 9 years, yards littered with a very dangerous city from the extremely delicate balance, already burdened with considerable problems involved in environmental and social / health care. And taking into account the fragility of hydrogeological Florence, the expected presence of at least 170 buildings at risk failure (including the Fortezza da Basso) and the extraction of more than 4 million cubic meters of smarino da stoccare, attraverso un continuo traffico di camion, in discariche gran parte delle quali ad oggi non ancora individuate, appare chiaro il pressapochismo con il quale vengono gestite le grandi infrastrutture nel nostro paese e diventa fin troppo facile immaginare che moltre altre voragini si aggiungeranno a quelle esistenti, rendendo questa disgraziata opera una voragine essa stessa e nulla più.

How Can I Make My Blunt Wrap Soft Again

Equivoco Berlusconi Ruby Mubarak

Berlusconi clarifies the misunderstanding:

"I thought it was the daughter of Mubarak instead was the only daughter of Mukarabash . the well-known Egyptian-jump champion 's auction . quiquoqua An obvious. That's it! "

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wear Ever Quiche/flan Set

Il Parlamento della paura

Marco Cedolin
I miasmi della melma mefitica in cui sta sprofondando ogni giorno di più la politica italiana emanano un lezzo insopportabile, una puzza che odora d'ideologie in avanzato stato di decomposizione, di partiti putrescenti that after they die slow death to be born dead, or presumed leader of those engaged in the same recycling operations that look good from applying to waste management.
Future, left, freedom, democracy , values \u200b\u200bare empty words, stuck in the mud to cover the bulk of the various factions, conscious of the need to hide, at least on the surface their true nature. Group to better manage the U.S. protectorate, friends employed by the ECB, progressive development of multinational companies, the future without having to get up in the chair never sui generis and other definitions are certainly not sufficient great appeal in the electorate. So here is a coat of fresh paint , whatever, populist, politically correct, optimistic, and that's it. Even a garbage bin may come to resemble a vintage Morgan, but the stench, that continues to feel the same.
If it were not for the fact that we all pay on our skin and we will pay the consequences of action / inaction of this gang of scoundrels "drunk", imbued with democratic freedom and forced to juggle between a party and a coke "ripassatina "the exhortation or transsexual to turn, you could also catch the funny side consists of many" monkeys parliamentarians, "that move in fear of not being able to keep forever il proprio status quo....

Si, perchè proprio la paura è una delle componenti fondamentali che contribuiscono al ristagno della melma. Tutti sanno che è sporca e puzza, ma tutti sono consapevoli del fatto che non appena la si smuova, inevitabilmente puzzerà di più ed è concreto il rischio di cascarci dentro, compromettendo inesorabilmente la fiducia degli elettori che, finchè resterà in piedi la farsa del voto, per la scimmietta politica costituisce l'unica vera assicurazione sul proprio status quo.

Ecco allora che tutti si agitano, ma premurandosi con attenzione che il fango resti al proprio posto.

Shake Silvio Berlusconi, conscious of being now at the end of an era, but aware that you can fall indefinitely without ever touching the ground, when that empire collapsed in the face there is no alternative.

stir the souls of many dorm sorry Gianfranco Fini Gianfranco Fini and Berlusconi's regret, a man on repentance and retraction has built his political career, in the eternal role of "dolphin" to someone else. Shake, Fini, torn between the desire to take a road that can lead to becoming President of the Council and the fear of finding themselves alone on a mountain trail, after having lost the chair of the President the Chamber. Shake convulsively, producing in unlikely setting of a future where the right channel that gives a nod to neo-liberal neo-liberal left, with plenty of rhetorical references model before the Republic and also extensive use of the demagoguery of the new spreads, but that is not so new Judging by the stench, worthy of an illegal dump.

Stir the secretary of the PD Bersani, anticipating the fall of Knight, but it is a restless and uncertain syncopated, why seasoned by an awareness of not having the "teeth" to be able to take advantage. Bersani screams, but it is a cry that is choked in my throat, because the expulsion of Mr Berlusconi will clear through the polls, where the consensus of the Democratic Party continue to be in free fall, without there being a recipe to reverse the trend, and without that there is a trick to hide indefinitely the reality that the Democratic Party and Berlusconi say and do exactly the same and that is all that the great powers of financial and economic order them.

Shake Nichi Vendola, intended to replace the collective imagination of the artist "but also" Walter Veltroni in the role of Obama Noantri. Communist but a friend of the industry, but gay Catholic, but an environmental sponsors of incinerators and works great lover of the law but at the center of legal scandals of all kinds. Everything and its opposite, but too or perhaps too little to aspire to the role of leader of a coalition that has the presumption to replace Berlusconi, without an army to look like too Brancaleone on the road to fray.

Casini stir And in the background, with its high cerchiobottismo a philosophy of life, Antonio Di Pietro is missing more and more the voice as the hypothesis of a debacle of Berlusconi seems to be more concrete, Ferrero, who understands Brancaleone in the emergence of an army as there is a case for re-accept the sickle and hammer in "family", along with many other characters who hope once sparigliate cards, to still be able to carve out a chair.

The fear, however, remains the key component in recent months.
All except the League of Bossi aware of powers only gain momentum, not for its own merits but due to the situation, fear early elections like the plague.
All except Bossi and Berlusconi (in so far alien suicide events), would like to set up a caretaker government, appointed to implement the reforms required by EU tears and blood. A caretaker government behind which to hide the mud and groped to reconstruct with minimal prospects of success that army Brancaleone now seems very impractical.

But without sharing Bossi and Berlusconi any possibility of technical government loses credibility and the only alternative seems to be made by recourse to the ballot box. It was in those polls that paradoxically are more afraid than they do in opposition to the majority that ruled the country during these two bad years. When faced with a government in free fall, with heavy responsibilities on his shoulders and a leader on Sunset Boulevard, the opposition is found to fear the opinions of voters, it means that the mud has already crossed the danger level and reached the 's time to look elsewhere.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How To Get Free Mount

Bung Bung for Berlusconi by Elio e le Storie Tese (Parody waka waka)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How To Get The Roof Of Your Mouth Stop Bleeding

Se ti sta bene è così, se no sono botte

Marco Cedolin
threat seems the sport has become more in vogue in the global village, multicultural and monomaniacal, where banks and big corporations give orders and everyone else, starting with the journeyman of politics, trade unionism and information are running blindly, without saying a breath.
Threat Marchionne, Fiat's sitting on the bench, always private company funded by the Italian taxpayers' money. And it does it the hard way, literally biting the hand that has been eating for about a century, not even take care to clean the mouth out of politeness. Threat workers, political and trade unions (but probably only those workers who are partners real) place abroad the few industrial plants are still present in Italy, if you will not be allowed to rewrite the remaining coordinates to your liking that still govern the world of work.
And it does so with the arrogance of those who feel strong and is aware of dealing with a large group of servants and a fearful mass of confused workers in fear.

Threat Interior Minister Maroni, totally unable to explain to the citizens of Vesuvian towns because the state builds and operates illegal dumps within of a National Park because the stench and the cancer must be their traveling companions in life and why the criminal underworld, where state-certified and becomes as if by magic all well and good .....
threat to use violence, Maroni, if people dare to continue their protest, raising the specter of the "search for the dead and sending the police to violate the privacy of their homes with that searches make more tangible the true tenor of the threat.

threatens EU, or would be more correct to say the powers that manage bank this box blank, requiring Member States substantial reductions of public debt to be achieved only through drastic cuts in social status and income of citizens, privatization and slashing of public property and other alchemy sui generis. All this while the already insane military spending and balance the Billionaires dissipated assets in major works will constantly increase, imposing drastic cuts in future, new and new clearances, until the nation states still exist.

promises (never kept) osteno for decades, threats, much more real and tangible way in the end it was very short. Today it is not necessary to deceive the masses, drawing them to a future "happy" exempted from the myths of growth and development and probably would not believe any more.
Far better to threaten hell near future, the illegitimate son of the growth and development, pretending to engage in the construction of hell this year is a prerequisite to avoid the scene.
And then, without mincing words, if you're so good and is good if you do not have "pop".

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Small Offices Blue Prints

Questa politica che delega al manganello

Marco Cedolin
La distanza siderale che separa il "mondo dorato" in cui alligna la classe politica ed il paese reale dove i cittadini si dibattono fra paure, incertezze e problemi (spesso più grandi di loro) di svariata natura, sta facendosi ogni giorno che passa più siderale.
La politica del nostro tempo vive esclusivamente di autoreferenzialità e ha ormai perso irrimediabilmente la capacità di rapportarsi con quella gente che a scadenze fisse è chiamata a delegare, gettando una scheda nell'urna , il proprio rappresentante. Un personaggio di "plastica" il politico, telegenico e dai modi accattivanti che si rapporterà con lei solo through the TV screen, where he spoke on behalf of all those who voted (and therefore of the state and the law) will announce decisions invariably delegated to increase the problems, fears and uncertainties referred to above.
When the measure is full, and in recent months is happening increasingly often, people take to the streets, demanding a confrontation and demanding answers. But the political class has no answers and do not even have the humility we need to get off his golden world and go into the problems of "ordinary people" issues most often raised by herself.
Here then is that the only plausible answer for those who live among blue car, partying with cocaine in the salons that matter, tabloid television, now legalized bribes in the form of advice and self-panegyric, is to leave room for the tool that is more than any other in can be convincing without plus allow any replication.

beatings in Val di Susa, where citizens who are opposed to a work and economically devastating disatrosa have never seen the politicians refer to "exit" from TV per fornire spiegazioni ed intavolare un confronto, ma in compenso hanno sentito la gragnuola di manganellate sulle loro teste, finendo spesso e volentieri all'ospedale.

Manganellate a Terzigno , dove la popolazione destinata a venire avvelenata da una discarica abusiva sotto il controllo dello stato non hanno mai avuto l'onore di vedere scendere fra loro un qualche politico fra quelli che hanno deciso di annientare il loro futuro. Ma tutte le notti vedono scendere i manganelli, in un'escalation di violenza durante la quale la polizia ha ormai violato qualsiasi regola propria di uno stato civile.

Manganellate a Cagliari, dove i pastori ridotti sul lastrico, con le proprie case e le proprie aziende ormai all'asta, domandavano un confronto con la giunta regionale. Ed hanno ricevuto in cambio bastonate e lacrimogeni lanciati in maniera criminale ad altezza uomo. Con la risultante che Roberto Fresi, pastore di Sassari, oltre alla casa rischierà di perdere anche un occhio.

E ancora manganellate sugli operai che protestano per essere stati messi in mezzo ad una strada, manganellate sugli studenti che domandano perché sia negato loro un futuro. Manganellate sugli ambulanti che occupano la tangenziale chiedendo spiegazioni (e non ricevendole) in merito Bolkestein Directive (signed in secret) that will jeopardize the work that gives them a living.
beatings of taxi drivers, farmers, to secure jobs. Clubbed to Chiaiano , Acerra in Vicenza and in many other occasions that we have definitely forgotten.

not truncheons against thugs, violent thugs, but against ordinary citizens who legitimately request on behalf of the decisions that have ruined and ruin their lives.
beatings ordered by those who are afraid to leave the TV, who shuns any comparison, those who believe that once reinforced the representation in parliament his club is the only basis for comparison with the citizen.

It only remains to ask whether this clique is now imprisoned in the pixels of the television screen, do you really think of delegating to the police and the club, the restoration of all the disasters that are creating in the country. Manganella anyone who dares raise his head and to hear his case, remaining hidden in the corridors of power, may also be a strategy that works, but surely only in the short term. When you raise your head will be too many clubs and not enough that they will not quit dalla TV, dove il mondo sta tornando in bianco e nero ed anche i vip delle politica riacquistano la natura di esseri umani. Che soffrono, piangono, lottano e sono tenuti a dare risposte.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Can The Ovulation Scope Predict Pregnancy

Camerieri in Lussemburgo, il piatto freddo è servito

Marco Cedolin
Lo scorso lunedì i ministri delle finanze europei, vestita la livrea da camerieri della BCE e dei grandi poteri finanziari, si sono recati in Lussemburgo per prendere ordini in merito alla loro condotta futura in tema di macelleria sociale e annientamento generalizzato delle prospettive occupazionali e potenzialità salariali dei cittadini che vivono sotto la loro giurisdizione.
Sostanzialmente nessuna novità eclatante, tanto meno with regard to a country like Italy which has now handed over any sovereignty to the EU, so far as to delegate the same authority to draw up future financial maneuvers, rather than merely laid down as happened with the last being approved in this period.
The cold dish, served on the boards of all European countries, although with different timing and side dishes, does not differ from that already experienced Greece .
more substantial cuts in social spending, privatization of all remaining resource Public (scraping the barrel until there is a fund) euthanasia in the bargaining power of workers, raising the retirement age, constant downward leveling of wages and income, public money "given" banks by brainy trick, total flattening of each national interest, sacrificed on the altar of the great international interest embodied by the IMF and the ECB .....

all presented in the best tradition of nouvelle cuisine, tempting colors and with catchy nicknames, as part of a project need to better manage the crisis, to regain the lost growth, reduce debt and build an economic policy from the penalty spot, prodrome of cobalt blue skies and green valleys.

Of course, even if sweetened with attention to the news of the meeting and the composition of the cold plate Care is hardly been given great importance to the media. Than a few concise little article positioned on the inside pages of newspapers and at the bottom of Internet sites. Where they found space in the words of Minister Tremonti, with its iridescent plumage of Latin lexicon, said that "Habemus novum pactum" referring to the orders he received as a new stability pact of his choice, as particularly favorable to Italy.

A victory then, but those to celebrate quietly, as to confusion among ministers and waiters Italians may begin to realize now that as a rule is just as Brussels, the political class who are camping in the bacchanal of Deputies and Palazzo Madama is composed of redundancies that feed the hole in the deficit, in fact useless and expendable in the name of a correct policy of economic austerity.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hematoma After Juvederm Injection

Quanta disinformazione riguardo a Terzigno

Marco Cedolin
It may be because the act of burning tiles election li ha resi soggetti scarsamente interessanti per i mestieranti della politica o piuttosto perchè la popolazione che protesta in maniera attiva è in Italia un fatto eccezionale, di quelli da nascondere lestamente per evitare qualsiasi rischio di emulazione. O più semplicemente si tratta unicamente dell'esecuzione di ordini che arrivano dall'alto ed è bene seguire se sivuole preservare la propria carriera giornalistica.
Quale ne sia la causa resta il fatto che in queste settimane ai cittadini di Terzigno che coraggiosamente si battono contro la costruzione di una seconda discarica di rifiuti indifferenziati, accanto alle loro case e all'interno del Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio, la stampa e la TV non hanno reso giustizia.
It 's a shame because the story is at the bottom of those simple simple. The crooks
political / mafia linked to waste disposal, (real goose that lays the golden eggs) in Campania always thrive on emergencies wastes and special commissioners, click the Vesuvius National Park as a venue for a second landfill, in addition to the existing one, in accordance with the logic that it is always better to locate where devastation has long devastated ....

Local residents are unlikely to endorse the logic of the above and can not understand why they who already breathe miasma pestilential, are at high risk of contracting serious diseases and see widely undermine the crops, are forced to undergo a doubling of these and other problems, despite living in an area that should be safeguarded and protected by law.
Consequently physically oppose the operation, are roadblocks, show, burn cards, stop compactor trucks are loaded by the police, resist the charges, they often take some time and the damage, to the extent that a disarmed citizen can "play" to a staff decked out in riot version robocop.
As can be easily inferred from the interviews and plenty of pictures presenti in rete ed anche da qualche servizio televisivo non "tagliato" a sufficienza dagli operatori, i contestatori di Terzigno sono persone normali. Mamme che lottano per il futuro dei loro bambini, padri di famiglia, anziani, ragazzi in età scolare. Non "professionisti della contestazione" ma normali famiglie ormai giunte ad un tale stadio di esasperazione da vedersi costrette a scendere quotidianamente in strada per fronteggiare reparti di poliziotti armati di tutto punto.
Famiglie di persone normali alle quali da settimane la "politica" non è disposta ad offrire alcun tipo di risposta che prescinda dalla pura repressione e da una campagna di stampa velenosa che mira a screditarle in qualità di violenti, camorristi, facinorosi, egoisti, farabutti e chi più ne ha ne metta.

Già, perchè è questa l'immagine che giornali e TV danno quotidianamente del "problema" Terzigno.
"Guerriglia organizzata", scontri con il favore delle tenebre, camion incendiati, poliziotti feriti, contestatori arrestati, barricate illegali, lanci di pietre. Sono solo una piccola parte del leit motiv che il pennivendolo o teleimbonitore di turno, ogni giorno deidica alle normali famiglie di Terzigno, generalmente facendo seguire a queste amenità un breve servizio fotografico con le strade di Napoli ripiene di sacchetti dei rifiuti, (per motivi che nulla hanno a che fare con la questione di Terzigno) per meglio rappresentare protesters under the guise of vandals and selfish.

When the fury of the information is so high and so violent means that you are on track, we can only hope that the citizens of Terzigno mollino not, since any hope on the recovery of a minimum dignity by the media bandwagon would be a manifestation of pure utopia and nothing more.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Kwc Desert Eagle Green Gas Or Co2

Hanno perso ma non sanno come dirlo

Marco Cedolin
In Val di Susa in the last week, which followed the great event on 9 October with a parade from Vaie S. Ambrose, in many ways you can breathe air di vittoria.
Il velo mediatico omertoso calato a nascondere all'opinione pubblica il corteo dello scorso sabato. La rabbiosa reazione della poitica sbavante di rabbia ad iniziare dai mestieranti del PD. La campagna di stampa denigratoria messa in scena dai giornali nel tentativo di screditare i contestatori valsusini. I fantasiosi "aggiustamenti" del progetto promessi da un Virano con lo sguardo sempre più allucinato. I filmati stile cartoon , infarciti di dati falsi e costruiti con lo scopo d'illudere i cittadini raccontando loro che bucare le montagne, lasciare i paesi senza acqua, estrarre tonnellate di smarino contenente amianto, mettere a repentaglio centinaia di abitazioni, creare voragini nel debito pubblico, il tutto senza che esista una sola ragione per farlo, costituirebbe una pratica virtuosa ed ecologica, nonchè economicamente conveniente.
Le pesanti minacce legali nei confronti degli esponenti più in vista del movimento. I maldestri tentativi di forzare la mano al governo, per ottenere finanziamenti (che non esistono) e bruciare le tappe dell'iter politico e burocratico del progetto.
Tutta, ma proprio tutta questa serie di azioni schizofreniche al limite dell'autolesionismo, molto somigliano al gesto disperato di una belva ferita che colpisce alla cieca, ben comprendendo di ritrovarsi ormai in un angolo dal quale non uscirà mai più.....

La manifestazione dello scorso 9 ottobre ha infatti domostrato the absolute failure of the five-year strategy Virano. Years that have definitely served to replenish the bank account of the architect, but do not have clearly produced results in terms of sharing in respect of a work that almost no one in the Susa Valley, including directors, wants. The
NO to any new railway infrastructure, highlighted by a fifty thousand people (the vast majority of them inhabitants of a valley which has about 60,000 residents, including infants and elderly immobilized) has effectively ended any prospect of success for the band of FIG.

The coven / political neurial who for decades have sponsored the work can in fact censor (as did) and feign the event "illiterate" and unable to read the meaning of what happened, but the reality remains one and sooner or later be forced to take clear conscience.
In Val di Susa, the vast majority of citizens (and thus their local administrators), the TAV does not want now or ever and is ready to take to the streets to block any site is geared to give the construction of the floodgates' work.
Faced with evidence quieted, clear even to a child, perhaps you can rely on sending the army as does the exponent of the PD Stefano Esposito. One can hope the militarization of the territory for decades. Ventilate the mass deportation of tens of thousands of protesters. Tell the hospital with a stick every citizen who is opposed, perhaps starting by women and the elderly. Even the fathers to jail and then the children and then their mothers, coming to build a new "Gaza" in our house.

Or admit the evidence of the numbers, you have lost.
High speed in Val di Susa is final and no appeal was rejected.
E 'is time for the waiters of politics and the press find the courage to say so.
Before it's too late and you run the risk of citizens and police to conduct a comparison as dangerous what nonsense, of which they alone are the only ones responsible.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How To Write A Essay For 8th Grade

La strana serata di Marassi

Marco Cedolin

Strange I think it is the only adjective suitable to represent the "theater" staged Tuesday night apartment-stadium in Genoa, during the soccer match Italy - Serbia, valid qualifying for the finals of the next European Championship.
A comedy is not very edifying story told by newspapers and TV with tones of tragedy and such a flood of adjectives to come thundering from the hives to anyone who does not share the information and visionary screamed so much in vogue today.
The press release of the first pages of the newspapers this morning is one of those to put the shivers:
"The Beasts" headline the Gazzetta dello Sport, "Guerrilla Serbian Italy does not play," The Press headline, "Hell in Genoa, we have surrendered to him" ( He would be the tattooed ultras pictured) headline in the Corriere dello Sport, "Shame of Serbia, the little girl between the beasts," broadcast Tuttosport. And to echo them dozens and dozens of articles with titles and captions that talk about a crazy night, a city set on fire, of unprecedented violence, to get to the words of Maroni that found itself in the eye of the storm as the Minister ' Interior has come to declare "we have avoided a massacre ".....

things, therefore, took place yesterday evening at Marassi to merit certificates to this effect, inappropriately used adjectives galore and even a "shameful" compared with the tragic Heysel night hazardous by the commentator who ran a commentary of the match on RAI?
Dozens of cars were burnt and destroyed? Bars and restaurants devastated and broken shop windows throughout the area near the stadium? Clashes between supporters wild with dead and wounded?
On closer inspection the record of events and all the images available, nothing ditutto this.

just something strange happened.
Strange that a few hundred fans Serbs, mostly of which are known to international law enforcement agencies, have been able to travel away to Genoa, in advance without being intercepted and monitored by the police.
Strange that the Italian police were not informed by their Serbian counterparts in the presence of a mob-meaning, even for political grievances against their government, "to shine" on a stage d ' exception, creating disturbances and might be able to do suspend the meeting.
Strange that the police have allowed the ultras in question to stock up on smoke shops in Genoa (as stated by them), but normally at matches even distribution alcoholic beverages prohibited vine too many miles away from the stadiums.
Even more strange that the country has imposed on the Italian football fans via crucis card fans, ultras that Serbs could get inside the stadium with the whole cover of smoke that just before had bought in town.

The strange after all end here, because the rest is nothing if not the result of such oddities. The Serbian ultras
above, as soon as the players took to the field, started to go berserk, coming in part to cut the fence, chipping a couple of glasses of what they separavno sector stand and turn some smoke, then thrown at the players in the field. Hence the return of same in the locker room.
No contact and no clash with the Italian fans. No fight and no one even clash with the Serbs are not many fans ultras who sat beside them. No clash with police in the meantime had fallen on the pitch, creating a cordon near the area of \u200b\u200bthe fans complained, and that opportunities have been very careful not to "load" the Serbian ultras, well aware that they jeopardized the safety of many people that had nothing to do with accidents. Maybe they used the same common sense in Val di Susa, Acerra and in many other occasions.

Then the attempt was only partly successful, to calm people by Serbian players, who went under the curve without being hit by any object and the decision to start the game proper.
game after six minutes was finally suspended following the launch of two smoke bombs in the penalty area overlooking the ultras, where he parked the Italian goalkeeper.
The stadium, which sadly emptied with people and families disappointed to have spent time and money without being able to see a football game.
Finally the police who later came into contact with the Serbian ultras near their bus (probably with l'intento di procedere ad identificazioni ed arresti), incappando nella reazione dei più facinorosi e patendo il leggero ferimento di due agenti.

Una serata poco edificante che lascia con l'amaro in bocca, non tanto perchè siano accadute violenze eclatanti e incidenti di estrema gravità, ma soprattutto perchè in virtù di tante stranezze è forte il convincimento che queso epilogo si sarebbe potuto evitare, permettendo che si parlasse solo di sport.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Things To Say To Congratulate Pregnancy

Send SMS 45506

From the site:

"Send an SMS to 45506

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There is a country in Africa, Sierra Leone, still suffering the effects of a war fought more than a decade ago, where three quarters of the population living on less than € 2 a day, life expectancy is 40 years and one child in three is denutrito.Qui EMERGENCY 10 years ago opened a hospital that offered free treatment to more than 300,000 people. The patients are increasing and now the hospital needs to grow with three new operating rooms, a new intensive care unit, a new emergency room, a guest house for relatives of patients with long-term care ...

If you want to continue our history, you have to do all the numbers: 45506 "

Sunday, October 10, 2010

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Terzigno: un esempio da seguire

Marco Cedolin
Terzigno è un comune di 16.000 abitanti, situato alle pendici del Vesuvio. Un comune che da alcune settimane is doing to deal with the steady militarization of their territories, implemented by hundreds of estate agents in riot. Almost every night people are treated as troublemakers and criminals, come into contact with the police in an attempt to prevent the entry of truckloads of stinking garbage, receiving in return a "fair" ration of beatings.
Citizens Terzigno have now got into the habit of taking to the streets, preferring to devote himself instead to remain in civil commitment panciolle front of the TV , because they want to oppose with all its forces to open a second landfill 'interior of the territory in which they live that is an integral part National Park of Vesuvius.
If the crazy idea which is to build a landfill in a National Park was not already insane action by itself can justify the reaction of any citizen capable of understanding and willing, if not yet lobotomized shielding effect of nonsense and nonsense barbaglianti barbaglianti of progress, you might also add that because of the landfills in the country can breathe now a rotting stench, the fruit grows with mutations worthy of a horror movie in the vineyards and even the birds dare to 'taste' the grape.

Last night, hundreds of citizens from Terzigno, between a roadblock and a discharge of beatings, organized a peaceful protest as much as hitting, consisting of burning within the tanks used to heat their electoral cards .....
Starting from the truck that spilled the rubbish and going through the police become accustomed to "caress" each evening, are in practice returned to their principals from which their problems, making the only sensible action is related to the stop (with a little effort you can detoxify) to give powers to little men in white and parasites used to administer public private interests.
The gesture was of course a demonstration project designed to highlight lo stato di esasperazione in cui versa la popolazione, ma la strada scelta è senza dubbio quella giusta.
Basta deleghe in bianco a faccendieri politici che avvelenano la gente con discariche, inceneritori, centrali a carbone e scorie nucleari.
Basta deleghe in bianco a politicanti cementificatori che distruggono le montagne per scavare megatunnel attraverso i quali far passare il nulla.
Basta deleghe in bianco a guerrafondai inebetiti che mandano i nostri soldati combattere le guerre americane e usano la commozione derivante dalle vittime per ottenere il viatico all'uso di nuove bombe e nuove armi di sterminio.
proxies in white with a political class that gets consensus on the basis of general programs made no sense and logic of the "least worst" and use the same permission to speak and act against the interests of citizens Taliani but in the name of all Italians .

For example, the citizens of Terzigno, to be followed by all those who in this wretched country see their right to exist and live in dignity, trampled by the very people who are naively delegate to represent them . Assuming that delegate has in effect, delegated any white will never have the ambition to own it.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

House Warming Bible Versus

PRESS squad

to threaten the opponents of Mussolini, castor oil and truncheon

To threaten Berlusconi's opponents painful individuals who spend their time to pack dossier aimed at destroying the "enemies" of their master.

change the instruments, not the mentality ... But Mussolini did not take offense to the comparison ...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Testicla Hurts When I Bend Down

Vivono di violenza reale ma stigmatizzano la violenza virtuale

Marco Cedolin

The inept and parasitic ruling class of our country has grown accustomed to all sorts of short-circuit logical reason why we should not be surprised about anything, cataloging the daily talk shows put on by journeyman of politics, trade unionists and many borrowers, the circle of meaningless utterances good only for creating the resulting material with which they are systematically filled the various telebugia rag and our own.
no surprise, therefore, the learned dissertations experienced in these days by public figures in terms of violence, aimed at prophecy the danger of a return (return?) Of violence in the country, following of facts "very disturbing" that poison and undermine the social climate. No surprise, but lead us to think that these gentlemen are now firmly convinced of dealing with a mass of telericoncoglioniti totally devoid of any ability to discern between the real and the virtual world, a homogeneous mass, amorphous, totally devoid of any critical spirit and yearning for dignity. A man like
Bonanni, a trade union in the service of Confindustria and well-known "rabbit" that some years ago in Val di Susa refused civility, with a couple of hundred protesters NO TAV, leaving that he was the deputy of the PDL to talk Roberto Rosso civilly with people without those naturally a hair twist, it is assumed the role of a martyr 'unspeakable escalation of violence, after receiving some whistle and a torch (not innocent stones and pipes) during the celebration of Turin hosted the PD ....

The ICFTU presided over by him, states the victim of episodes of "very serious squads" and the object of unprecedented violence, after the Roman walls of his office this morning have been contaminated with eggs and red paint, a small group of protesters who accuse the union of a line of conduct Bonanni too flat and condescending with the dictates of Confindustria and Fiat.

fear To make the dramatic situation of a country now on the brink of violence, has also contributed a few days ago "terrible" journalist of the ambush occurred Free Maurizio Belpietro, pursued (as he himself pointed out) because a journalist all of a piece that has the courage to write things that are troubling.
who had not followed the story would be inclined to think that the indomitable Belpietro is miraculously escaped with gunshot wounds gunman at close range by an attacker, because of his articles that exposed the fraud of the September 11 attacks, attacking the financial policy of the EU and bring to light crimes relating to the illegal disposal of toxic waste. None of this, the hero in a nutshell Maurizio Belpietro never had any close contact with attentatore. Il contatto (o presunto tale) è avvenuto fra un agente della sua scorta ed un fantomatico uomo con in mano un'arma, nelle scale del condominio in cui vive Belpietro, mentre lo stesso si trovava a farsi i fatti propri chiuso all'interno del suo appartamento. Nè Belpietro ha mai scritto nulla che prescinda dal pastone politico e dalle storie di gossip che ormai costituiscono il fulcro del confronto fra centro destra e centro sinistra.
Ciò nonostante tutta la classe politica si è riversata in massa dinanzi ai microfoni dei teleimbonitori per stigmatizzare il pericolo di un ritorno alla violenza, riesumando per l'occasione il fantasma degli anni di piombo e perfino delle Brigate Rosse, tanto per dare un tono di colore al querulo choir that day is rising higher and higher.

E 'curious to see how a torch, a splash of paint and a mysterious assailant constitute the potential encouragement for alerting the entire Italian ruling class, leading to shout with one voice their fear for the return of violence, as violence, the real one, in which the same ruling class wallowing up to their necks sharing huge responsibility, not alarm anyone, but the same is systematically hushed up.

The violence in foreign countries occupied by our soldiers in arms, where men and women every day drones kill systematically and children. The Israeli massacres committed in the Palestinian territories, with the patronizing approval of our local politicians. The violence of the citizens who defend their right to exist and are beaten by the police in Val di Susa as Terzigno, as in factories. Violent families thrown into the middle of a road from the industrial and financial speculation, made with the condescension of judicial duty. The violence killed thousands of people at work and sacrifice on the altar of profit. The violence of so many young people, like Stephen Cucchi, killed in prison without a reason. The violence of a record where murders, rapes, murders family and infanticide is hardly a news "regulars" on the agenda.

Non fumogeni, schizzi di vernice e attentatori fantasma, ma veri morti ammazzati e vite distrutte. Vite di cui non importa nulla a nessuno, poichè discettare di violenza è un'arte gratificante e politicamente corretta solamente quando la si pratica voltati dalla parte giusta, la parte della fantasia.