Marco Cedolin
We have repeatedly argued in these pages as the Italian high-speed project constitutes a financial abyss in the order of 80 billion euro, paid by the Italian taxpayer, his children and his grandchildren, who will be forced to repay the costs sprositati over the coming decades. As we have repeatedly denounced the media hoax, as practiced by Mauro Moretti and politics, with the complicity of the information in "selling" the Italian TAV under the guise of a great work is now completed and, after the devastation implementation in Mugello, the nodes citizens continue the work and the "neutral" design of the underpass dela city of Florence has not yet even started.
Just last night, within the node of Bologna, where the yards of TAV, managed by the company Astaldi years are killing the homes of residents in the adjacent street Carracci, now reduced to half houses at risk, often and shored up with extensive cracks in the walls, the financial abyss has also added the structural form of a huge hole fifteen feet in diameter and three deep suddenly opened up to house number 69 .....
The huge chasm that has carried with him a container, luckily caused no casualties, while the entire area was immediately cordoned off and hidden from view from outside with the help of panels.
Residents of the area for years, meeting a committee aimed at safeguarding their rights trampled by that TAV, which has become a nightmare for them, do not hesitate to declare very concerned about their safety and integrity of the houses are already severely compromised by work on the excavation of the tunnel and the construction of the underground station.
There is no doubt that the only answers that will provide policy makers and their work will consist of vague reassurances and some panel that will help them to "forget" what happened. At the end fortunately, despite the severity of the collapse, there is no escaping the dead and the news, local news relegated to the newspapers disappear quickly from the short memory of the public.
remains to wonder if these are the premises of Bologna, what will happen in Florence underpass where the current draft of the city involves the construction of two tunnels of a length of 8 km each, perpendicular to the line of flow of the water table and a station located underground beneath the bed of the stream Mugnone which is the main tributary ?
With work that will last at least 9 years, yards littered with a very dangerous city from the extremely delicate balance, already burdened with considerable problems involved in environmental and social / health care. And taking into account the fragility of hydrogeological Florence, the expected presence of at least 170 buildings at risk failure (including the Fortezza da Basso) and the extraction of more than 4 million cubic meters of smarino da stoccare, attraverso un continuo traffico di camion, in discariche gran parte delle quali ad oggi non ancora individuate, appare chiaro il pressapochismo con il quale vengono gestite le grandi infrastrutture nel nostro paese e diventa fin troppo facile immaginare che moltre altre voragini si aggiungeranno a quelle esistenti, rendendo questa disgraziata opera una voragine essa stessa e nulla più.
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