Friday, November 26, 2010

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

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I media e la costruzione della realtà

Marco Cedolin

L’importanza dell’informazione nella nostra società contemporanea è enorme, così come spaventoso si rivela il potere concentrato nelle mani dei grandi media che gestiscono la costruzione della realtà.
Almost everything we know and go beyond the walls of our house, factory or office where we work and the narrow circle of our friends and our knowledge does not exist in its true nature, but one in which the media are considered to represent it.
A protest, a march, a demonstration, unless we have personally involved, will be part of our awareness only if the information has decided to inform us, otherwise we will be as if they never existed.
A project such as high-speed railway will be felt by us, useless, Malicious or strategic, depending on the various opinions that the experts and politicians have expressed through the media which are thus able to filter them in order to achieve the desired effect.
If we do not live in the Susa Valley are the media to reveal the identity and motives of the protesters and in accordance with the reality that the media represent us we consider them. Anarcho - insurgents, provocative, hooligans looking for any opportunity that allows them to vent their violence, or good people and honest citizens who peacefully defend their land ....

are newspapers and television stations to offer i parametri attraverso i quali leggere il mondo che ci circonda, individuare i buoni e i cattivi, separare i progetti utili da quelli sbagliati, considerare la validità delle scelte di ordine economico, ambientale, etico, scientifico, formarci un’opinione su tutto ciò che accade. Sono i giornali e le televisioni a fornirci le coordinate che ci permetteranno di entusiasmarci, preoccuparci, indignarci, emozionarci, solidarizzare, condividere, contestare, disapprovare, manifestare qualsivoglia genere di emozione funzionale alla realtà che ci viene rappresentata.

Ma i media non si limitano a plasmare e costruire la realtà a loro piacimento, essi sono in grado di decidere se un determinato evento è esistito o meno e possono operare in questo senso con molta facilità, limitandosi a rendere pubblica o ignorare una determinata notizia.
Tutto ciò che non viene rappresentato dai giornali e dalle televisioni, semplicemente non è esistito, tranne ovviamente per chi è stato direttamente coinvolto nell’evento.
Il controllo dell’informazione è perciò indispensabile all’oligarchia di potere, tanto quanto lo è quello della politica, solo attraverso la condiscendenza dei media è infatti possibile gestire l’opinione pubblica, costruire consenso e distruggere eventuali avversari.

In relazione a questa necessità ossessiva di mistificare mediaticamente il mondo reale, al fine di orientare l'opinione pubblica in maniera funzionale agli interessi superiori, anche il linguaggio sta cambiando in profondità.
Le parole non hanno più una valenza specifica funzionale al proprio contenuto, ma sono diventate gusci vuoti privati di un significato intrinseco, adatti non a rappresentare un concetto ma semplicemente a soggiogare emotivamente l’interlocutore.
Quante volte guardando la televisione o leggendo i giornali c’imbattiamo in concetti quali “strategicità di un’opera”, “necessità di sviluppo”, "Serving the goals of growth," vital to economic recovery "," democratization of a people "," recovery of competitiveness "," greater flexibility "," global market "," large infrastructure of international importance. "
These phrases, clichés, external effect that though lacking any real meaning, however, slow to the desired result, because we tend to be affected by the redundancy of the concept, without bothering to delve into its contents.
Who made the outside will never be able to explain why that particular work is the reason for the strategic or development needs, or the reasons for such a decision serves the vital objectives of economic growth or economic recovery. No one will be able to explain how it is possible to export democracy, what it really means to regain competitiveness, which is the international importance of infrastructure or why it is necessary to have more flexibility and what are the parameters of a global market.
Nevertheless, we will have the priority and metabolized the essential concept, accepting it as a necessary and indispensable.

Another example of packaging that every day is imposed on us by the misuse of words consists of those terms that are used as synonymous with modernity, while not in themselves any specific value.
Fast, great, global, sustainable, international, vital, strategic, EU, progress, future development, new growth, competitiveness, priority, are all terms that are
with repeated violence by the media in a incessant and obsessive different concepts to give a driver's good, beautiful and modern.
Again "development sustainable "," industrial ecology "," green growth "," clean production "," solidarity economy "," clean war "," globalization with a human face "are all terms that reveal contradictions in the attempt to attach a label or function social elements which by their very nature could never boast.
Building the myth of the omnipotence of technology, whether scientific or economic, it tries to propose as a remedy for the very cause of the disease, in view of a regressive and narrow view of man, understood only as a consumer, tube digestive system of the machine and gear production.
A gear that needs to be always well oiled and maintained, to continue to do a better job that the poor was assigned.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Ignorance to Power

For League Luca Zaia, president of the Veneto Region and Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies of the IV Berlusconi government, Pompei only "four stones" for which it is not worth money to spend.

But we would like to ask us

"Do you think it is worth throwing money to keep a politician so rude and ignorant or would be more cost get rid of the way?"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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La voragine del TAV non è solo finanziaria

Marco Cedolin
We have repeatedly argued in these pages as the Italian high-speed project constitutes a financial abyss in the order of 80 billion euro, paid by the Italian taxpayer, his children and his grandchildren, who will be forced to repay the costs sprositati over the coming decades. As we have repeatedly denounced the media hoax, as practiced by Mauro Moretti and politics, with the complicity of the information in "selling" the Italian TAV under the guise of a great work is now completed and, after the devastation implementation in Mugello, the nodes citizens continue the work and the "neutral" design of the underpass dela city of Florence has not yet even started.
Just last night, within the node of Bologna, where the yards of TAV, managed by the company Astaldi years are killing the homes of residents in the adjacent street Carracci, now reduced to half houses at risk, often and shored up with extensive cracks in the walls, the financial abyss has also added the structural form of a huge hole fifteen feet in diameter and three deep suddenly opened up to house number 69 .....

The huge chasm that has carried with him a container, luckily caused no casualties, while the entire area was immediately cordoned off and hidden from view from outside with the help of panels.
Residents of the area for years, meeting a committee aimed at safeguarding their rights trampled by that TAV, which has become a nightmare for them, do not hesitate to declare very concerned about their safety and integrity of the houses are already severely compromised by work on the excavation of the tunnel and the construction of the underground station.

There is no doubt that the only answers that will provide policy makers and their work will consist of vague reassurances and some panel that will help them to "forget" what happened. At the end fortunately, despite the severity of the collapse, there is no escaping the dead and the news, local news relegated to the newspapers disappear quickly from the short memory of the public.

remains to wonder if these are the premises of Bologna, what will happen in Florence underpass where the current draft of the city involves the construction of two tunnels of a length of 8 km each, perpendicular to the line of flow of the water table and a station located underground beneath the bed of the stream Mugnone which is the main tributary ?
With work that will last at least 9 years, yards littered with a very dangerous city from the extremely delicate balance, already burdened with considerable problems involved in environmental and social / health care. And taking into account the fragility of hydrogeological Florence, the expected presence of at least 170 buildings at risk failure (including the Fortezza da Basso) and the extraction of more than 4 million cubic meters of smarino da stoccare, attraverso un continuo traffico di camion, in discariche gran parte delle quali ad oggi non ancora individuate, appare chiaro il pressapochismo con il quale vengono gestite le grandi infrastrutture nel nostro paese e diventa fin troppo facile immaginare che moltre altre voragini si aggiungeranno a quelle esistenti, rendendo questa disgraziata opera una voragine essa stessa e nulla più.

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Equivoco Berlusconi Ruby Mubarak

Berlusconi clarifies the misunderstanding:

"I thought it was the daughter of Mubarak instead was the only daughter of Mukarabash . the well-known Egyptian-jump champion 's auction . quiquoqua An obvious. That's it! "

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wear Ever Quiche/flan Set

Il Parlamento della paura

Marco Cedolin
I miasmi della melma mefitica in cui sta sprofondando ogni giorno di più la politica italiana emanano un lezzo insopportabile, una puzza che odora d'ideologie in avanzato stato di decomposizione, di partiti putrescenti that after they die slow death to be born dead, or presumed leader of those engaged in the same recycling operations that look good from applying to waste management.
Future, left, freedom, democracy , values \u200b\u200bare empty words, stuck in the mud to cover the bulk of the various factions, conscious of the need to hide, at least on the surface their true nature. Group to better manage the U.S. protectorate, friends employed by the ECB, progressive development of multinational companies, the future without having to get up in the chair never sui generis and other definitions are certainly not sufficient great appeal in the electorate. So here is a coat of fresh paint , whatever, populist, politically correct, optimistic, and that's it. Even a garbage bin may come to resemble a vintage Morgan, but the stench, that continues to feel the same.
If it were not for the fact that we all pay on our skin and we will pay the consequences of action / inaction of this gang of scoundrels "drunk", imbued with democratic freedom and forced to juggle between a party and a coke "ripassatina "the exhortation or transsexual to turn, you could also catch the funny side consists of many" monkeys parliamentarians, "that move in fear of not being able to keep forever il proprio status quo....

Si, perchè proprio la paura è una delle componenti fondamentali che contribuiscono al ristagno della melma. Tutti sanno che è sporca e puzza, ma tutti sono consapevoli del fatto che non appena la si smuova, inevitabilmente puzzerà di più ed è concreto il rischio di cascarci dentro, compromettendo inesorabilmente la fiducia degli elettori che, finchè resterà in piedi la farsa del voto, per la scimmietta politica costituisce l'unica vera assicurazione sul proprio status quo.

Ecco allora che tutti si agitano, ma premurandosi con attenzione che il fango resti al proprio posto.

Shake Silvio Berlusconi, conscious of being now at the end of an era, but aware that you can fall indefinitely without ever touching the ground, when that empire collapsed in the face there is no alternative.

stir the souls of many dorm sorry Gianfranco Fini Gianfranco Fini and Berlusconi's regret, a man on repentance and retraction has built his political career, in the eternal role of "dolphin" to someone else. Shake, Fini, torn between the desire to take a road that can lead to becoming President of the Council and the fear of finding themselves alone on a mountain trail, after having lost the chair of the President the Chamber. Shake convulsively, producing in unlikely setting of a future where the right channel that gives a nod to neo-liberal neo-liberal left, with plenty of rhetorical references model before the Republic and also extensive use of the demagoguery of the new spreads, but that is not so new Judging by the stench, worthy of an illegal dump.

Stir the secretary of the PD Bersani, anticipating the fall of Knight, but it is a restless and uncertain syncopated, why seasoned by an awareness of not having the "teeth" to be able to take advantage. Bersani screams, but it is a cry that is choked in my throat, because the expulsion of Mr Berlusconi will clear through the polls, where the consensus of the Democratic Party continue to be in free fall, without there being a recipe to reverse the trend, and without that there is a trick to hide indefinitely the reality that the Democratic Party and Berlusconi say and do exactly the same and that is all that the great powers of financial and economic order them.

Shake Nichi Vendola, intended to replace the collective imagination of the artist "but also" Walter Veltroni in the role of Obama Noantri. Communist but a friend of the industry, but gay Catholic, but an environmental sponsors of incinerators and works great lover of the law but at the center of legal scandals of all kinds. Everything and its opposite, but too or perhaps too little to aspire to the role of leader of a coalition that has the presumption to replace Berlusconi, without an army to look like too Brancaleone on the road to fray.

Casini stir And in the background, with its high cerchiobottismo a philosophy of life, Antonio Di Pietro is missing more and more the voice as the hypothesis of a debacle of Berlusconi seems to be more concrete, Ferrero, who understands Brancaleone in the emergence of an army as there is a case for re-accept the sickle and hammer in "family", along with many other characters who hope once sparigliate cards, to still be able to carve out a chair.

The fear, however, remains the key component in recent months.
All except the League of Bossi aware of powers only gain momentum, not for its own merits but due to the situation, fear early elections like the plague.
All except Bossi and Berlusconi (in so far alien suicide events), would like to set up a caretaker government, appointed to implement the reforms required by EU tears and blood. A caretaker government behind which to hide the mud and groped to reconstruct with minimal prospects of success that army Brancaleone now seems very impractical.

But without sharing Bossi and Berlusconi any possibility of technical government loses credibility and the only alternative seems to be made by recourse to the ballot box. It was in those polls that paradoxically are more afraid than they do in opposition to the majority that ruled the country during these two bad years. When faced with a government in free fall, with heavy responsibilities on his shoulders and a leader on Sunset Boulevard, the opposition is found to fear the opinions of voters, it means that the mud has already crossed the danger level and reached the 's time to look elsewhere.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How To Get Free Mount

Bung Bung for Berlusconi by Elio e le Storie Tese (Parody waka waka)