Marco Cedolin
intersect goblets, rippling lips to utter phrases good luck, you toast the new year arrives, but the overriding feeling is that while the disastrous 2010 finish, the tragedy continues, never mind the wishes and hopes.
not have to be very pessimistic to understand how the past year, condensed into a series of ugly seamless addition to making the wine bitter, have built it in 2011 because the conditions follows closely in his footsteps, making men more and more alone, deprived of hopes and joy of life, dragged into a game of chance where the dealer only wins, but with dazed eyes continue to sit in and play then play again, although the only prospect is to lose everything, ultimately even our dignity.
year that dissolves in the wine glasses made from stale bitter will be remembered not as a function of sensational events that have changed the course of history and probably will slip in the sands of time with no surprises, with its sum of human misery on whose foundations are being built of clay already more human misery, destined for a future that leaves a sour taste in the mouth of the metal.
The sell-off workers , blackmailed, harassed, intimidated and encouraged to practice self-injury ,..... presentato loro come il "male minore", perchè in fondo un calcio negli stinchi somiglia quasi ad una carezza quando ti convincono che l'unica alternativa è costituita da una serie di bastonate sulla schiena dalle quali non ti rialzerai più.
Il cedimento sempre più evidente di un territorio violentato in profondità dalla cementificazione selvaggia, figlia di un "progresso" che ha il cervello del malaffare e il passo del gambero, ma viene unanimamente accettato come elemento positivo da coccolare. Poco importa se ogni piovasco ormai è foriero di frane disastrose, alluvioni, morti e feriti. La colpa è sempre del tempo cattivo, del mare in burrasca and bad luck.
young people without a future and for the role of sacrificial lambs in a working world that no longer exists, except in the form of a Babel schizophrenic nor meaningless construct. Young-induced "bad teachers" to believe that all their problems are embodied in the person of Mariastella Gelmini led by the hand to protest against a gear, while a huge machine, which the teachers themselves are part, is preparing to torn to pieces and crush them without mercy.
The media circus that has lost all contact with reality and devoted every ounce of its weight of thought immanent orientation and support consumption, making the world of TG, TV and newspapers more virtual than it is to Second Life.
The political class increasingly confused, clinging to the benches of power, working full time in palace intrigues, in the mess-ups, the conspiracies, about to relinquish even the farce of the ten-year comparison right / left . Right and left are fossilized dinosaurs in a past now, Italian politicians, the class does not rule anything , because all decisions are taken in Brussels and taxes by private committees supra, the only function remaining in the hands of the policy is on the distribution of contracts, financing and the role of power in a symbiotic relationship with the world of ill repute. It is an incontrovertible truth, clear eyes ditutto, but it is preferable that the play continues, otherwise once the bubble burst, who knows where we might end up, and it is too great fear that they might disappear even crumbs, in a company now consists of bins crumbs.
You could also say a few words about the economic crisis, the tragedy of pollution, money che non esistono impegnati in opere faraoniche, all'incubo di un ritorno delle centrali nucleari, alla speculazione miliardaria imbastita intorno ai rifiuti di Napoli, alla situazione politica internazionale prodromica di nuove guerre d'occupazione, al progressivo smantellamento degli stati nazionali, in funzione della costruzione di un unico stato globale e globalizzato, quando il gambero del progresso avrà terminato la sua corsa.
Ma l'anno nuovo ormai sta già iniziando ed essendo questi argomenti parte delle sue fondamenta non mancherà certo l'occasione di parlarne.
Per adesso buon brindisi e se vi capita di storcere la bocca per il sapore amaro fate attenzione a non farvi notare, l'etichetta di pessimista, in una società votata all'ottimismo anche quando corre verso il baratro, potrebbe risultare un fardello pesante da portare nel corso del viaggio.