Thursday, December 30, 2010

Acrylic Bathtub Vs Americast

Brindisi amari

Marco Cedolin
intersect goblets, rippling lips to utter phrases good luck, you toast the new year arrives, but the overriding feeling is that while the disastrous 2010 finish, the tragedy continues, never mind the wishes and hopes.
not have to be very pessimistic to understand how the past year, condensed into a series of ugly seamless addition to making the wine bitter, have built it in 2011 because the conditions follows closely in his footsteps, making men more and more alone, deprived of hopes and joy of life, dragged into a game of chance where the dealer only wins, but with dazed eyes continue to sit in and play then play again, although the only prospect is to lose everything, ultimately even our dignity.
year that dissolves in the wine glasses made from stale bitter will be remembered not as a function of sensational events that have changed the course of history and probably will slip in the sands of time with no surprises, with its sum of human misery on whose foundations are being built of clay already more human misery, destined for a future that leaves a sour taste in the mouth of the metal.
The sell-off workers , blackmailed, harassed, intimidated and encouraged to practice self-injury ,..... presentato loro come il "male minore", perchè in fondo un calcio negli stinchi somiglia quasi ad una carezza quando ti convincono che l'unica alternativa è costituita da una serie di bastonate sulla schiena dalle quali non ti rialzerai più.

Il cedimento sempre più evidente di un territorio violentato in profondità dalla cementificazione selvaggia, figlia di un "progresso" che ha il cervello del malaffare e il passo del gambero, ma viene unanimamente accettato come elemento positivo da coccolare. Poco importa se ogni piovasco ormai è foriero di frane disastrose, alluvioni, morti e feriti. La colpa è sempre del tempo cattivo, del mare in burrasca and bad luck.

young people without a future and for the role of sacrificial lambs in a working world that no longer exists, except in the form of a Babel schizophrenic nor meaningless construct. Young-induced "bad teachers" to believe that all their problems are embodied in the person of Mariastella Gelmini led by the hand to protest against a gear, while a huge machine, which the teachers themselves are part, is preparing to torn to pieces and crush them without mercy.

The media circus that has lost all contact with reality and devoted every ounce of its weight of thought immanent orientation and support consumption, making the world of TG, TV and newspapers more virtual than it is to Second Life.

The political class increasingly confused, clinging to the benches of power, working full time in palace intrigues, in the mess-ups, the conspiracies, about to relinquish even the farce of the ten-year comparison right / left . Right and left are fossilized dinosaurs in a past now, Italian politicians, the class does not rule anything , because all decisions are taken in Brussels and taxes by private committees supra, the only function remaining in the hands of the policy is on the distribution of contracts, financing and the role of power in a symbiotic relationship with the world of ill repute. It is an incontrovertible truth, clear eyes ditutto, but it is preferable that the play continues, otherwise once the bubble burst, who knows where we might end up, and it is too great fear that they might disappear even crumbs, in a company now consists of bins crumbs.

You could also say a few words about the economic crisis, the tragedy of pollution, money che non esistono impegnati in opere faraoniche, all'incubo di un ritorno delle centrali nucleari, alla speculazione miliardaria imbastita intorno ai rifiuti di Napoli, alla situazione politica internazionale prodromica di nuove guerre d'occupazione, al progressivo smantellamento degli stati nazionali, in funzione della costruzione di un unico stato globale e globalizzato, quando il gambero del progresso avrà terminato la sua corsa.
Ma l'anno nuovo ormai sta già iniziando ed essendo questi argomenti parte delle sue fondamenta non mancherà certo l'occasione di parlarne.
Per adesso buon brindisi e se vi capita di storcere la bocca per il sapore amaro fate attenzione a non farvi notare, l'etichetta di pessimista, in una società votata all'ottimismo anche quando corre verso il baratro, potrebbe risultare un fardello pesante da portare nel corso del viaggio.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Large Lumps Top Of Tail

I colonizzatori dell’immaginario collettivo

Rinascita ha incontrato Marco Cedolin, scrittore e studioso di economia, ambiente e comunicazione, che ha parlato di globalizzazione e anestetizzazione delle coscienze.
Fabio Polese
La circolazione delle notizie, sui grandi media, è subordinata alla volontà dei “sistemi” che gestiscono i media stessi. Viviamo nella società del controllo e sembra che esista un governo sovranazionale ed invisibile che decida cosa è giusto farci sapere and what does not. In this apocalyptic scenario, we met Mark Cedolin, writer and scholar of economics, environment and communication, to ask him some questions. "I do not think there is doubt about the existence of a supranational government which, through the colonization of the collective imagination, shapes the knowledge, sensitivity, taste, emotional reactions and, more generally, people's thoughts - highlights Marco Cedolin - in order to create a perfect mass of global consumers perfectly homogenized, uncritical and programmed to react to any stimulus induced in the manner expected. " Asked whether there are psychological warfare operations, the writer and scholar states: "This is not so much a psychological war, since the concept of war implies the presence of at least two warring parties, but in this case the person engaged in the task is obvious one. Speak of an orientation process and globalization of thought, through the systematic annihilation of conscience anesthetized prerogative of any culture that could jeopardize the success of the project "..... settlers of the collective, therefore, act in various ways. Shape the news to your liking within the mainstream media, sometimes the build, other times you practice euthanasia, always decide on the nature of everything that needs to become "information" that the operation had the desired effect. But the colonists not only monopolize the information, also run school education, the advertising market, recording and publishing, cinema, sport, medicine and any other field conditions, the "construction" of the individual. It seems that not only shape the focus on many different topics but also decide whether something really happened or not. "In the global information society shouted" real-time, - says Marco Cedolin - there and have a practical dimension and only those facts which are given to those events and the news value of that existence is directly proportional to the area to represent them in they bestowed by the media "- and continues with a concrete example -" If she and I go up to protest on a crane and unroll a banner, our action will become "real" only if and when it will be documented by the media and take value in proportion to the importance that the media are reserved. If no newspaper and no TV will document the incident for the rest of the world (except for an occasional passer-by who was in the vicinity), there has been no climbing the crane and any protest. " The power to decide what really exists is huge, since reality is imperfect and fragmentary, built in pursuit of specific interests, global public opinion is presented as the only true reality, making the thoughts, reactions , the emotions of the masses, is exactly what was intended to provoke.
When we look at any TV news or read any newspaper, we are "attracted" by the same words. Words that, if not fully assessed, can seem full of meaning. The caller is then plagiarized emotionally. The items are the core information and their importance goes far beyond what is imaginable that those casually browsing through a newspaper or watch a TG. Information screamed and hyperkinetic of our time has chosen a very appropriate language to attract the attention of the reader / listener and influence the proceedings.
Cedolin Mark shows us the obvious examples: "The first trick is from the habit of talking to pre-built slogan, slogans, most of the time empty of content but of great effect, which will be repeated like a mantra constantly, until the ' Public opinion will be induced to make them their own form of incontrovertible truth. The growth of GDP will become synonymous with welfare, though not the title. The expenditure of billions of euro of public money for the construction of mammoth infrastructure will be accepted as a vehicle for improving the economic condition of citizens, who instead find themselves forced from their own pockets to finance operations at a loss. Employment in arms of sovereign states will be presented as a peacekeeping operation, designed to "civilize" other, less and less of us civilians. The giving of public money for rain to swell the coffers of the private banking system, will be touted as "aid" to the citizens of either state in distress. The cutting of the welfare state, income and services, to the detriment of the welfare of the citizens, will be justified as necessary sacrifices to reduce public debt and so on. The second trick is the careful choice of words to use in the dissemination of news, depending on the ultimate goal is to put in good light or bad a particular political figure, a state, a legislative measure, a demonstration or any type of occurrence. The government of a state that is intended to discredit will therefore always be called "regime" even when, as in the case of Iranian President Ahmadinejad is a legitimate government elected during the elections and participate much more clean than the U.S. and most Western countries. The same way as the leader of a friendly country will be called "President" and the nation will be called "democratic", even if, as in the case of Israel, the army of that nation continues to stain every day of horrible crimes. The leader of a country increasingly uncomfortable otherwise it will be labeled as a tyrant, despot, dictator, etc.. The protesters who come into contact with the police are thugs, troublemakers and violent, if they bring forward issues that must be discredited, but simply become angry residents if their battle can be in qualche modo funzionale ad un disegno superiore. Molte volte basta la scelta di una parola per cambiare completamente l’intera ottica attraverso la quale viene letto un accadimento”. C’è il serio rischio, quando si da un’informazione che è contraria a quella fornita dai media considerati tradizionali di passare per complottista. Spesso si rischia di essere emarginati dal circuito di mediatico di massa e automaticamente messi nella condizione di non nuocere. “Poco importa – spiega Marco Cedolin - se le nostre affermazioni in merito alla fallacia della verità ufficiale riguardo alla strage dell’11 settembre sono suffragate da una serie interminabile di elementi incontrovertibili, se il nostro giudizio negativo against the high-speed railway is based on data and evidence of economic and scientific that no serious analysis would be able to disprove, if our position papers on economic, political and environmental detail and documented in studies and analysis with solid foundations. " It seems that produce real information is strictly prohibited in a media circus where the imperative is to produce a fictional truth that serves the higher interests. It also seems very difficult to defend the global control. The great interests involved in the control information managing their leverage power through a simple but effective lever economica.
Qualsiasi strumento d’informazione di massa può esistere solo se supportato da consistenti investimenti economici, facendo sì che i “finanziatori” siano gli unici soggetti in grado di decidere la natura e la qualità dell’informazione stessa. Nell’era di internet e del giornalismo partecipativo, esistono, però, fonti d’informazione alternative; esiste qualche piccola casa editrice indipendente, qualche rivista e quotidiano a tiratura limitata. “Per essere bene informati – conclude lo scrittore e studioso Marco Cedolin - occorre faticare, navigare su internet almeno un paio di ore al giorno, leggere molto e farlo sempre con grande spirito critico. Osservare le notizie da varie angolazioni, contribuendo alla formazione di un proprio punto di vista che non dovrà per forza collimare con quello espresso nei testi che si sono letti”. La possibilità d’informarsi correttamente esiste ma richiede tempo e fatica. Certamente è molto più facile sedersi in poltrona e accendere la TV. Sta solo a noi scegliere se ne valga o meno la pena.