Friday, August 6, 2010

Wedding Shower Invitations Wording For Gift Card

Impiegati, quasi disoccupati

Marco Cedolin

The political class in the summer version, tarantolata the heatwave and the need to somehow justify their existence, can not afford all'inanità under an umbrella, do not talk about itself, perhaps risking of gentrify between a party to coca, a boat trip and a trip to Monte Carlo.
The risk would be to mercilessly reveal their futility, similar to that of an old boot only good for the laundry bin.
So, stoically and displaying great spirit of sacrifice, regardless of the blazing sun, the journeyman in politics are doing their utmost to stage almost daily tragedies, bloody battles, duels to the death and twists worthy of the most brutal thriller.
Former A little bit of everything Gianfranco Fini stabbed in the back their patron, while Berlusconi, Morituri yells "you quoque Gianfranco wire me." The PDL transformed for the occasion in a Duma of iron proceeds to expel the bomber in a manner that closely resembles the purge of the "poor" by Turigliatto Communist PRC, during the first crisis of the Prodi government ....
Bersani calls for early elections, despite knowing he was chief of army Brancaleone now in free fall since time immemorial.
Casini Fini appears ready to defend with his body, as long as the situation allows him to do so without uncombed, and Nichi Vendola is proposed as the man to re-establish a left and Fury re-foundation has become an unknown object without any coordination and utilities.
In many hope the birth of a caretaker government headed by some industrial or some banker.
Bossi and Berlusconi (recovered from the knife much more quickly that the impact of the Cathedral with the statue) ensure that you will go on like this, with the reforms. Gasparri threatens elections, La Russa appears distracted, it has just become aware of with regret that his party had a home in Monaco, as to which he had not been told anything, and so does not make since in politics is divided into equal parts.
Di Pietro seems unusually quieter than usual, while Beppe Grillo announced that if elected he will take the field.

For superficial look at the situation might seem explosive and prodromal momentous upheavals of the country.
If it were not for the small detail that these guys do not rule anything today, nor could they propose to govern in the future anything. They could make reforms and legislate on important issues, since they no longer afford to sovereignty. They do not have even more authority to dictate a financial maneuver, since from the current task is the sole responsibility of the EU. All decisions on the future of our country are being taken elsewhere and irrespective of a parliament made up exclusively of short-term employees who risk losing their jobs, to become unemployed "luxury" that certainly we can recycle conveniently in the folds of possessions of their masters.
For now the important thing is that can demonstrate good actors, who squabble among themselves without interruption, in the changing fortunes of Italy, and produce much smoke to be able to hide at the sight of Moreover, those in Brussels are changing the fortunes of Italy truly, without even having to care to ask permission from the Italians.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lorena Herrera In Latex Pants

La TV mi guarda in cagnesco

Marco Cedolin
Well, I must confess, although softly and holding away from prying ears, for the past one year I turned TV . Or rather the "revolutionary" technology of digital terrestrial television schedule has eliminated my little house perched on the mountains, but I did not lift a finger to remedy the problem. It would have been sufficiente acquistare una parabola in sconto convenienza negli scaffali brulicanti di tecnologia dentro a un qualche centro commerciale, per riappropriarmi del caleidoscopio di colori con annessa cacofonia di sottofondo, ma non me la sono sentita. L'ho abbandonata senza vita là, sul vecchio mobile di mia nonna, dove allignava ormai da molti anni, senza neppure tentare di rianimarla e giorno dopo giorno sto imparando ad ignorarla. Nelle prime settimane non è stato facile, lo schermo nero occhieggiava accattivante facendo leva sulla forza dell'abitudine, invitandomi a prendere in mano il telecomando, per immergermi nella melassa infopubblicitaria di un "telebugia", nella tenzone simulata di un dibattito politico, the superficiality of a false-depth journalism, advertising in stupidario rain, drowned in a detective serial , in the Babel of diverse football "spoken", a mere substitute for the player, sent a payment, hypnotic jingle in commercials of the phones, reassuring voices of the experts in discoursing with erudite disquisitions on the merits of the latest seasonal trends, tumbler figures, data and granite directly extrapolated from the certainties of the bible progresso....

Non è stato facile ma ce l'ho fatta!
Il telecomando è rimasto ad impolverarsi in un recondito andito di cui neppure ricordo più l'ubicazione e la TV ha mutuato la propria "nobile" funzione di macchina per il lavaggio del pensiero in quella molto più modesta di ammennicolo pressochè inutile, facente parte dell'arredo casalingo.

Da allora è sorto il problema, ogni qualvolta attraverso la stanza per andarmi a versare un bicchiere d'acqua, mi siedo a tavola per cenare o mi accomodo sul divano a leggere un libro, la TV mi guarda in cagnesco. Niente più occhiate ammiccanti, ma uno sguardo duro, severo, ammonitore. Come se fra il nero di quello schermo si annidassero stizziti e carichi di riprovevole sdegno, gli sguardi di Maria De Filippi, Santoro, Floris , Minzolini, Belen, Piero Angela, Fede e tutto il resto del bestiario deputato ad animare il tubo catodico ed i moderni schermi lcd.

Mi guarda askance at so repeatedly and insistently, but I am indifferent and pretend not to see. Sooner or later, and will adapt to being part of the furniture without being pretentious, the brain is ultimately too important to entrust it to a remote control.